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Routine: DGMTDD5


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DGMTDD5 ;ALB/AMA - Executable Help Calls, CON'T ; 8/1/08 1:13pm
 ;;5.3;PIMS;**1016**;JUN 30, 2012;Build 20
201 ;Executable Help for Cash, Amount in Bank Accounts (408.21/2.01)
 . ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
 . W !?8,"Enter in this field cash and amounts in bank accounts.  This includes"
 . W !?8,"checking accounts, savings accounts, Individual Retirement Accounts,"
 . W !?8,"certificate of deposit, etc."
 . Q
 E  D
 . ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
 . W !?8,"Enter in this field cash and amounts in bank accounts.  This includes"
 . W !?8,"checking accounts, savings accounts, Certificates of Deposit (CDs),"
 . W !?8,"Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), stocks and bonds, etc."
203 ;Executable Help for Land, Bldgs Less Mortgage (408.21/2.03)
 . ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
 . W !?8,"Enter in this field the current value, less mortgages or other"
 . W !?8,"encumbrances, of any real property (land and buildings) owned."
 . W !?8,"Do not report the value of the veteran's primary residence."
 . W !?8,"If the veteran's primary residence is a multifamily dwelling, report"
 . W !?8,"the value of the building less the value of the unit occupied by"
 . W !?8,"the veteran.  If the veteran lives on a farm, report the value"
 . W !?8,"of the farm less the value of the house occupied by the veteran"
 . W !?8,"and a reasonable surrounding area.  NOTE:  Since the veteran's primary"
 . W !?8,"residence is not reported as an asset, the mortgage may NOT be reported"
 . W !?8,"as a debt.  In addition, the value of any other property owned by the"
 . W !?8,"veteran or spouse will be calculated in the same manner."
 . Q
 E  D
 . ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
 . I $G(DGPRTY)="V" D  Q   ;Help text for the veteran
 . . W !?8,"Enter in this field the current value of land and buildings, less"
 . . W !?8,"mortgages and liens."
 . . W !!?8,"Do not report the value of the veteran's primary residence.  If the"
 . . W !?8,"veteran's primary residence is a multifamily dwelling, report the value"
 . . W !?8,"of the building less the value of the unit occupied by the veteran.  If"
 . . W !?8,"the veteran lives on a farm, report the value of the farm less the"
 . . W !?8,"value of the house occupied by the veteran and a reasonable surrounding"
 . . W !?8,"area.  The size of the 'reasonable lot area' that can be excluded from"
 . . W !?8,"net worth consideration is determined by the degree to which the"
 . . W !?8,"property is connected to the dwelling and the typical size of lots in"
 . . W !?8,"the immediate area.  Contiguous land which is closely connected to the"
 . . W !?8,"dwelling in terms of use and which does not greatly exceed the"
 . . W !?8,"customary size of lots in the immediate area is excluded from net worth"
 . . W !?8,"consideration."
 . . W !!?8,"NOTE:  Since the veteran's primary residence is not reported as an"
 . . W !?8,"asset, the mortgage may NOT be reported as a debt.  In addition, the"
 . . W !?8,"value of any other property owned by the veteran, spouse, or dependent"
 . . W !?8,"children will be calculated in the same manner."
 . E  D   ;Help text for the dependents (spouse or child)
 . . W !?8,"Enter in this field the current value of land and buildings, less"
 . . W !?8,"mortgages and liens."
 . . W !!?8,"Do not report the value of the person's primary residence.  If the"
 . . W !?8,"person's primary residence is a multifamily dwelling, report the value"
 . . W !?8,"of the building less the value of the unit occupied by the person.  If"
 . . W !?8,"the person lives on a farm, report the value of the farm less the"
 . . W !?8,"value of the house occupied by the person and a reasonable surrounding"
 . . W !?8,"area.  The size of the 'reasonable lot area' that can be excluded from"
 . . W !?8,"net worth consideration is determined by the degree to which the"
 . . W !?8,"property is connected to the dwelling and the typical size of lots in"
 . . W !?8,"the immediate area.  Contiguous land which is closely connected to the"
 . . W !?8,"dwelling in terms of use and which does not greatly exceed the"
 . . W !?8,"customary size of lots in the immediate area is excluded from net worth"
 . . W !?8,"consideration."
 . . W !!?8,"NOTE:  Since the person's primary residence is not reported as an"
 . . W !?8,"asset, the mortgage may NOT be reported as a debt.  In addition, the"
 . . W !?8,"value of any other property owned by the veteran, spouse, or dependent"
 . . W !?8,"children will be calculated in the same manner."
204 ;Executable Help for Other Property or Assets (408.21/2.04)
 . ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
 . W !?8,"Enter in this field the current market value of other property owned."
 . W !?8,"However, do not report the value of household effects or vehicles"
 . W !?8,"regularly used for family transportation.  Other property may include"
 . W !?8,"an art or stamp collection."
 . Q
 E  D
 . ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
 . W !?8,"Enter in this field the current market value of other property or"
 . W !?8,"assets that are owned, minus the amount that is owed on these items."
 . W !?8,"Include the value of farm, ranch, or business assets.  However, do not"
 . W !?8,"report the value of household effects or vehicles regularly used for"
 . W !?8,"family transportation.  Assets may include art, rare coins, or"
 . W !?8,"collectibles."
133 ;Executable Help for E-Mail Address (2/.133)
 W !?8,"Enter the applicant's email address [3-50 characters].  The entry must"
 W !?8,"contain at least 3 characters, then have an '@' in the format.  After"
 W !?8,"the '@', the entry must contain at least 1 character, then have a '.' in"
 W !?8,"the format.  After the '.', then the entry must contain at least 1"
 W !?8,"character.  For example:",!?16,"lastnamefirstname@yahoo.com"
 W !?16,"lastname@irs.gov",!?16,"name@college.org"