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Routine: DGMTHLP


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  1. DGMTHLP ;ALB/GTS - Means Test Help processing code; 12/15/2005 ; 8/1/08 1:49pm
  1. ;;5.3;PIMS;**1016**;JUN 30, 2012;Build 20
  1. ;
  1. CHLDINNW ; * Displays help for CHILD HAD INCOME (.11) in INCOME RELATION (408.22)
  1. S MTIEN=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,"MT")),"^",1)
  1. I MTIEN S MTVER=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,2)),"^",11)
  1. W !
  1. I X="?" DO
  1. . I MTVER=0 W !,"Enter in this field whether the child had income last calendar year."
  1. . I MTVER=1 DO
  1. . . W !,"Enter in this field whether the child had earned or unearned income"
  1. . . W !,"and/or net worth last calendar year."
  1. I X="??" DO
  1. . I MTVER=0 DO
  1. . . W !,"Enter in this field whether the child had income last calendar year."
  1. . . W !,"Income payable to another person as guardian or custodian of the"
  1. . . W !,"child is considered to be the child's income."
  1. . I MTVER=1 DO
  1. . . W !,"Enter in this field whether the child had earned or unearned income"
  1. . . W !,"and/or net worth last calendar year. Income payable to another person"
  1. . . W !,"as guardian or custodian of the child is considered to be the child's income."
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. INNWAVAL ; * Displays help for INCOME AVAILABLE TO YOU (.12) in INCOME RELATION (408.22)
  1. S MTIEN=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,"MT")),"^",1)
  1. I MTIEN S MTVER=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,2)),"^",11)
  1. W !
  1. I X="?" DO
  1. . I MTVER=0 DO
  1. . . W !,"Enter in this field whether the child's income was available to the"
  1. . . W !,"veteran last calendar year."
  1. . I MTVER=1 DO
  1. . . W !,"Enter in this field whether the child's income and/or net worth were"
  1. . . W !,"available to the veteran last calendar year."
  1. I X="??" DO
  1. . I MTVER=0 DO
  1. . . W !,"Enter in this field whether the child's income was available to"
  1. . . W !,"the veteran last calendar year. The child's income is deemed to be"
  1. . . W !,"available if it can be used to pay expenses of the veteran's household."
  1. . . W !,"For example, a Social Security check payable to the veteran's estranged"
  1. . . W !,"spouse as custodian of the child is probably not available to the"
  1. . . W !,"veteran. On the other hand, a Social Security check on behalf of the child"
  1. . . W !,"payable to someone living in the veteran's household is probably available."
  1. . I MTVER=1 DO
  1. . . W !,"Enter in this field whether the child's income and/or net worth were"
  1. . . W !,"available to the veteran last calendar year. The child's income and/or"
  1. . . W !,"net worth are almost always determined to be available. A child's income"
  1. . . W !,"and/or net worth may be excluded when the child is not in the veteran's"
  1. . . W !,"custody and the veteran does not have direct access to the child's income"
  1. . . W !,"or when the veteran has custody, but he/she can prove that the income is not"
  1. . . W !,"available to him/her (e.g. a trust that the veteran doesn't have access to)"
  1. . . W !,"OR social security that's going to a separated spouse."
  1. . I $G(DA) W !,"Enter RETURN to continue:" R DGRDVAR:DTIME W !
  1. Q