Prompt: $$UL^DGMTSCU1(DGUL,DGLNE1),!?1,"1. List medical expenses ACTUALLY paid by you during the previous calendar year",!?4,"(include Medicare and other health insurance expenses). ",$$AMT^DGMTSCU1($P(DGIN1("V"),"^"))
Line Location: EXP+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $$UL^DGMTSCU1(DGUL,DGLNE1),!?1,"2. List amounts paid by you during the previous calendar year for funeral and burial expenses",!?4,"of a deceased spouse or child. "
Prompt: $$UL^DGMTSCU1(DGUL,DGLNE1),!?1,"3. List amounts paid by you during the previous calendar year for YOUR educational expenses.",!?4,"(Do NOT show spouse's or children's payments) ",$$AMT^DGMTSCU1($P(DGIN1("V"),"^",3))
Line Location: EXP+6
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !?1,"4. Was employment income reported for a child in item C7",?63,"| FOR VA USE ONLY",?88,"| 5. Enter child's income exclusion"
Line Location: EXP+9
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $$UL^DGMTSCU1(DGUL,DGLNE1),!?20,"6. List each child for whom employment income was reported in item C7."