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Routine: DIEH1


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  1. DIEH1 ;SFISC/DPC-DBS HELP CON'T ;2:53 PM 25 May 2001 [ 04/02/2003 8:25 AM ]
  1. ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**1001**;APR 1, 2003
  1. ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**85**;Mar 30, 1999
  1. ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
  1. ;;
  1. DT(DIEHDT) ;
  1. N P,Q
  1. I DIEHDT'["N" S P(1)=$S(DIEHDT["M":"or 0157",1:"or 012057")
  1. D
  1. . I DIEHDT["P" S P(2)="assumes a date in the PAST." Q
  1. . I DIEHDT["F" S P(2)="assumes a date in the FUTURE." Q
  1. . S P(2)="uses CURRENT YEAR. Two digit year"
  1. . S P(3)=" assumes no more than 20 years in the future, or 80 years in the past."
  1. . Q
  1. I DIEHDT["M" D BLD^DIALOG(9110.7,.P,.P) Q
  1. ;
  1. I DIEHDT'["X" D
  1. . N X S X="You may omit the precise day, as: JAN, 1957."
  1. . I $G(P(3))]"" S P(4)=X Q
  1. . S P(3)=X Q
  1. D BLD^DIALOG(9110,.P,.P)
  1. I DIEHDT["T"!(DIEHDT["R") D
  1. . I DIEHDT["S" S Q(1)="Seconds may be entered as 10:30:30 or 103030AM."
  1. . I DIEHDT["R" S Q(2)="Time is REQUIRED for this response."
  1. . D BLD^DIALOG(9111,.Q,.Q)
  1. . Q
  1. Q
  1. ;