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Routine: DINIT004


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DINIT004 ; SFISC/TKW-DIALOG & LANGUAGE FILE INITS ;5/24/00  13:20 [ 04/02/2003   8:25 AM ]
 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**1001**;APR 1, 2003
 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**41**;Mar 30, 1999
 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
 F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
 ;;=The option or function can only be done if DUZ(0)="@", designating 
 ;;=the user as having programmer access.
 ;;=Only those with programmer's access can perform this function.
 ;;=An attempt to get a lock timed out.  The record is locked and the desired
 ;;=action cannot be taken until the lock is released.
 ;;=The record is currently locked.
 ;;=FILE^File or subfile #.
 ;;=IENS^IEN string of entry numbers.
 ;;=An attempt to get a lock timed out. The File Header Node is locked, and
 ;;=the desired action cannot be taken until the lock is released.
 ;;=The File Header Node is currently locked.
 ;;=FILE^File #.
 ;;=An attempt to get a lock timed out. The File is locked, and the desired
 ;;=action cannot be taken until the lock is released.
 ;;=The file is currently locked.
 ;;=An error occurred during the Xecution of a FileMan hook (e.g., an input
 ;;=transform, DIC screen).  The type of hook in which the error occurred is
 ;;=identified in the text.  When relevant, the file, field, and IENS for
 ;;=which the hook was being Xecuted are identified in the PARAM nodes.  The
 ;;=substance of the error will usually be identified by a separate error
 ;;=message generated during the Xecution of the hook itself. That error will
 ;;=usually be the one preceding this one in the DIERR array.
 ;;=The previous error occurred when performing an action specified in a |1|.
 ;;=1^Type of FileMan Xecutable code.
 ;;=IENS^Internal Entry Number String.
 ;;=There is an error in one of the variables passed to a FileMan call or
 ;;=in one of the parameters passed in the actual parameter list.
 ;;=An input variable or parameter is missing or invalid.
 ;;=The specified input variable is either 1) required but not defined or
 ;;=2) not valid.
 ;;=The input variable |1| is missing or invalid.
 ;;=1^Variable name.
 ;;=The specified parameter is either required but missing or invalid.
 ;;=The input parameter that identifies the |1| is missing or invalid.
 ;;=1^Parameter as identified in the FM documentation.
 ;;=An incorrect subscript is present in an array that is passed to FileMan.
 ;;=For example, one of the subscripts in the FDA which identifies FILE, IENS,
 ;;=or FIELD is incorrectly formatted.
 ;;=The subscript that identifies the |1| is missing or invalid.
 ;;=1^The data element incorrectly specified by a subscript.
 ;;=Control characters are not permitted in the database.
 ;;=The input value contains control characters.
 ;;=Error message output when a file or subfile number, and its associated IEN
 ;;=string are not in sync (i.e, the number of comma pieces represented by