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Routine: DINIT00S


Go to the documentation of this file.
  1. ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**169**;Mar 30, 1999;Build 28
  1. ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
  1. F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
  1. Q Q
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,5,0)
  1. ;;=selected, pressing the arrow right key causes the jump to occur. To return to
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,6,0)
  1. ;;=the previous jump location from the jump, press the arrow left key. On the
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,7,0)
  1. ;;=return, the selected hypertext represent the previous jump made.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,8,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,9,0)
  1. ;;=To EXIT the VA FileMan Browser, in hypertext mode, press <PF1> followed by the
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,10,0)
  1. ;;=letter 'E'. This is also true for this HELP document which is being presented
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,11,0)
  1. ;;=by the Browser, in hypertext mode. Pressing the letter 'R', returns the Browser
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,12,0)
  1. ;;=to the hypertext document.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,13,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,14,0)
  1. ;;=For help, select, using TAB and press ARROW RIGHT to jump:
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,15,0)
  1. ;;= * $.%#NAVIGATION^Navigation$.%
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,16,0)
  1. ;;= * $.%#SEARCH^Search$.%
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,17,0)
  1. ;;= * $.%#SCREEN^Screen$.%
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,18,0)
  1. ;;= * $.%#CLIPBOARD^Clipboard$.%
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,19,0)
  1. ;;= * $.%#HELP^Help$.%
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,20,0)
  1. ;;= * $.%#EXIT^Exit$.%
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,21,0)
  1. ;;= * $.%#MORE_HELP^More Help$.%
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,22,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,23,0)
  1. ;;= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,24,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,25,0)
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,26,0)
  1. ;;============
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,27,0)
  1. ;;=Select hypertext, left to right and down TAB
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,28,0)
  1. ;;=Select hypertext right to left and up Q
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,29,0)
  1. ;;=Invoke hypertext jump, selected ARROW RIGHT
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,30,0)
  1. ;;=Return from hypertext jump ARROW LEFT
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,31,0)
  1. ;;=Scroll Down (one line) ARROW DOWN
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,32,0)
  1. ;;=Scroll Up (one line) ARROW UP
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,33,0)
  1. ;;=Page Down <PF1>ARROW DOWN
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,34,0)
  1. ;;=Page Up <PF1>ARROW UP
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,35,0)
  1. ;;=Jump to the Top <PF1>T
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,36,0)
  1. ;;=Jump to the Bottom <PF1>B
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,37,0)
  1. ;;=Goto <PF1>G
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,38,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,39,0)
  1. ;;=$.$SEARCH$.$SEARCH:
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,40,0)
  1. ;;========
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,41,0)
  1. ;;=Find text <PF1>F
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,42,0)
  1. ;;=Next (occurrence) <PF1>N
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,43,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,44,0)
  1. ;;=Direction-terminate find text with:
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,45,0)
  1. ;;=-----------------------------------
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,46,0)
  1. ;;=Down ARROW DOWN
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,47,0)
  1. ;;=Up ARROW UP
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,48,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,49,0)
  1. ;;=$.$SCREEN$.$SCREEN:
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,50,0)
  1. ;;========
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,51,0)
  1. ;;=Repaint screen <PF1>P
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,52,0)
  1. ;;=Split screen <PF2>S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,53,0)
  1. ;;=Restore Full screen <PF2>F
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,54,0)
  1. ;;=Print document <PF1><PF1>P
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,55,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,56,0)
  1. ;;=Split Screen Mode Navigation:
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,57,0)
  1. ;;=-----------------------------
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,58,0)
  1. ;;=Navigate to bottom screen <PF2>ARROW DOWN
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,59,0)
  1. ;;=Navigate to top screen <PF2>ARROW UP
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,60,0)
  1. ;;=Resize Split Screen:
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,61,0)
  1. ;;=--------------------
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,62,0)
  1. ;;=Top/Bottom screen larger/smaller <PF2><PF2>ARROW DOWN
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,63,0)
  1. ;;=Bottom/Top screen larger/smaller <PF2><PF2>ARROW UP
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,64,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,65,0)
  1. ;;=$.$HELP$.$HELP:
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,66,0)
  1. ;;======
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,67,0)
  1. ;;=Browse Key Summary <PF1>H
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,68,0)
  1. ;;=More Help <PF1><PF1>H
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,69,0)
  1. ;;=Print Help <PF1><PF1><PF1>H
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,70,0)
  1. ;;=Return to hypertext document, from HELP R
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,71,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,72,0)
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,73,0)
  1. ;;===========
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,74,0)
  1. ;;=Copy to FileMan's Clipboard <PF1>C
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,75,0)
  1. ;;=View FileMan's Clipboard <PF1>V
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,76,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,77,0)
  1. ;;=$.$EXIT$.$EXIT:
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,78,0)
  1. ;;======
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,79,0)
  1. ;;=Exit Browser or help text <PF1>E or "EXIT"
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,80,0)
  1. ;;=Quit <PF1>Q
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,81,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,82,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,83,0)
  1. ;;= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,84,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,85,0)
  1. ;;=$.$MORE_HELP$.$MORE HELP
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,86,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,87,0)
  1. ;;=To GOTO a specific screen or line press the <PF1> key followed by the letter
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,88,0)
  1. ;;='G'. This will cause a prompt to be displayed where a screen or line number can
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9202,2,89,0)
  1. ;;=be entered preceded by an 'S' or 'L'. The default is screen, meaning that the