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Routine: DINIT00V


Go to the documentation of this file.
  1. ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
  1. ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
  1. F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
  1. Q Q
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,4,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,5,0)
  1. ;;=Command Shortcut Description
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,6,0)
  1. ;;=------- -------- -----------
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,7,0)
  1. ;;=EXIT see below Exit form (asks whether changes should be saved)
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,8,0)
  1. ;;=CLOSE <PF1>C Close window and return to previous level
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,9,0)
  1. ;;=SAVE <PF1>S Save changes
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,10,0)
  1. ;;=NEXT PAGE <PF1><Down> Go to next page
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,11,0)
  1. ;;=REFRESH <PF1>R Repaint screen
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,12,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,13,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,14,0)
  1. ;;=\BOther Shortcut Keys\n
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,15,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,16,0)
  1. ;;=Exit form and save changes <PF1>E
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,17,0)
  1. ;;=Quit form without saving changes <PF1>Q
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9233,2,18,0)
  1. ;;=Invoke Record Selection Page <PF1>L
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,0)
  1. ;;=9251^3^^5
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,1,0)
  1. ;;=^^1^1^2940707^^
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,1,1,0)
  1. ;;=Help Screen 1 of Form Editor help.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,0)
  1. ;;=^^22^22^2940707^
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,1,0)
  1. ;;= \BHelp Screen 1 of 9\n
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,2,0)
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,3,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,4,0)
  1. ;;=Press To move | Press To move
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,5,0)
  1. ;;=-------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,6,0)
  1. ;;=<Up> Up one line | <PF1><Up> To top of screen
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,7,0)
  1. ;;=<Down> Down one line | <PF1><Down> To bottom of screen
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,8,0)
  1. ;;=<Right> Right one character | <PF1><Right> To right edge of screen
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,9,0)
  1. ;;=<Left> Left one character | <PF1><Left> To left edge of screen
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,10,0)
  1. ;;=<Tab> To next element
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,11,0)
  1. ;;=Q To previous element
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,12,0)
  1. ;;=S Right 5 characters
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,13,0)
  1. ;;=A Left 5 characters
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,14,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,15,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,16,0)
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,17,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,18,0)
  1. ;;=Press To
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,19,0)
  1. ;;=----------------------------------------------------
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,20,0)
  1. ;;=<PF1>S Save changes
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,21,0)
  1. ;;=<PF1>E Save changes and exit the Form Editor
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9251,2,22,0)
  1. ;;=<PF1>Q Quit the Form Editor without saving changes
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,0)
  1. ;;=9252^3^^5
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,1,0)
  1. ;;=^^1^1^2941116^^^
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,1,1,0)
  1. ;;=Help Screen 2 of Form Editor.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,0)
  1. ;;=^^19^19^2941116^
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,1,0)
  1. ;;= \BHelp Screen 2 of 9\n
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,2,0)
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,3,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,4,0)
  1. ;;=To "select" a screen element, position the cursor over the element and
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,5,0)
  1. ;;=press <SpaceBar> or <Enter>. This process is abbreviated <SelectElement>.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,6,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,7,0)
  1. ;;=Press To
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,8,0)
  1. ;;=----------------------------------------
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,9,0)
  1. ;;=<SelectElement> Select a screen element
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,10,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,11,0)
  1. ;;=Once an element is selected, you can drag it around the screen by using
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,12,0)
  1. ;;=the navigational keys. You cannot drag an element beyond the boundaries
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,13,0)
  1. ;;=of the block on which it is defined.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,14,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,15,0)
  1. ;;=If you press <SpaceBar> or <Enter> over the caption of an element, both
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,16,0)
  1. ;;=the caption and data portion of the element, if one exists, are selected.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,17,0)
  1. ;;=If you press <SpaceBar> or <Enter> over the data portion of an element,
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,18,0)
  1. ;;=only the data portion is selected and can be dragged independently of the
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9252,2,19,0)
  1. ;;=caption. Press <SpaceBar> or <Enter> again to deselect the element.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,0)
  1. ;;=9253^3^^5
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,1,0)
  1. ;;=^^1^1^2940707^
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,1,1,0)
  1. ;;=Help Screen 3 of Form Editor.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,0)
  1. ;;=^^15^15^2940707^
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,1,0)
  1. ;;= \BHelp Screen 3 of 9\n
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,2,0)
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,3,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,4,0)
  1. ;;=Press To
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,5,0)
  1. ;;=---------------------------------------------
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,6,0)
  1. ;;=<SelectElement><PF4> Edit element properties
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,7,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,8,0)
  1. ;;=You will then be taken into a ScreenMan form where the properties of the
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,9,0)
  1. ;;=element can be edited.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,10,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,11,0)
  1. ;;=The Form Editor uses ScreenMan forms as a kind of modal dialog box. The
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,12,0)
  1. ;;=changes you make within the forms are permanent; that is, if from a
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,13,0)
  1. ;;=ScreenMan form you edit the properties of an element, use <PF1>E to save
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,14,0)
  1. ;;=and exit the form, and then use <PF1>Q to quit the Form Editor, the
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9253,2,15,0)
  1. ;;=changes you made to the properties of the element will remain.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9254,0)
  1. ;;=9254^3^^5
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9254,1,0)
  1. ;;=^^1^1^2940707^
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9254,1,1,0)
  1. ;;=Help Screen 4 of Form Editor.
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9254,2,0)
  1. ;;=^^18^18^2940707^