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Routine: DINIT00Y


Go to the documentation of this file.
 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
 F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
 ;;=Partial DD.  No sending of data allowed for file |1|.
 ;;=Invalid entry in trasnport structure.
 ;;=Transport structure does not contain |1| with IEN: |2|.
 ;;=DIFROM Server unable to install block.
 ;;=DIFROM Server unable to install |1| block.
 ;;=DIFROM Server installed block but associated file not present.
 ;;=|1| block installed but associated file #|2| is not on your system.
 ;;=File number missing for "FILE-PRE" in KIDS process.
 ;;=File number missing in "FILE-PRE".
 ;;=Package name missing for "FILE-PRE" in KIDS process.
 ;;=Package name missing for "FILE-PRE".
 ;;=Invalid file number in KIDS "ENTRY-PRE"
 ;;=File number invalid in "ENTRY-PRE".
 ;;=Invalid entry number in KIDS "ENTRY-PRE"
 ;;=Entry number invalid for "ENTRY-PRE"
 ;;=Invalid entry in transport array.
 ;;=Entry number invalid in transport array (source site DA).
 ;;=Package name invalid in "ENTRY-PRE".
 ;;=Invalid package name in "ENTRY-PRE".
 ;;=Package name ambigious.  Pointer not resolved.
 ;;=|1| package name is ambigious.  Pointer |2| not resolved.
 ;;=ZSave not defined in MUMPS Operating file.  Can not compile templates.
 ;;=Unable to compile templates.  ZSave undefined in OS file.
 ;;=Invalid form.  DIFROM Server is unable to compile.
 ;;=|1| form invalid.  Can not be compiled by KIDS process.
 ;;=Template can not be compiled.
 ;;=|1| template |2| is invalid.  KIDS process can not compile.
 ;;=Template or form file number is invalid.  DIFROM Server/KIDS
 ;;=Template or form file number is invalid.
 ;;=Transport package name is invalid.  (KIDS)
 ;;=Transport package name is invalid.  (DIFROM Server/KIDS)
 ;;=Invalid EDE(s).
 ;;=Invalid EDE(s).  (DIFROM Server/KIDS)
 ;;=No IEN(s) in array.  (KIDS)
 ;;=No IEN(s) in list.
 ;;=Source array root missing.
 ;;=Source array root missing.
 ;;=Resolved value data link missing.
 ;;=Resolved Value Data Link missing |1|.
 ;;=Pointer file missing.
 ;;=Pointer file missing |1|.
 ;;=Pointed too file not on target system.
 ;;=Pointed too file not on target system |1|.