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Routine: DINIT2A4


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DINIT2A4 ;SFISC/MKO-KEY AND INDEX FILES ;3:01 PM  10 Jan 2000 [ 04/02/2003   8:25 AM ]
 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**1001**;APR 1, 2003
 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**1,20**;Mar 30, 1999
 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
 F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
 ;;=TRANSFORM FOR LOOKUP^K^^4;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code. Answer '??' for more help.
 ;;=Used only during lookup.
 ;;=Answer should be M code that sets the variable X to a new value. X is the
 ;;=only input variable that is guaranteed to be defined and is equal to the
 ;;=lookup value entered by the user.
 ;;=During lookup, if the lookup value is not found in the index, FileMan will
 ;;=execute the TRANSFORM FOR LOOKUP code to transform the lookup value X. It
 ;;=will then search this index looking for a match to the transformed lookup
 ;;=TRANSFORM FOR DISPLAY^K^^3;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code. Answer '??' for more help.
 ;;=Used only during lookup.
 ;;=Answer should be M code that sets the variable X to a new value. X is the
 ;;=only variable that is guaranteed to be defined and is equal to the value
 ;;=of the subscript from the index.
 ;;=TRANSFORM FOR DISPLAY should be set only for an index value that has been
 ;;=transformed using the code in the TRANSFORM FOR STORAGE prior to storing
 ;;=the value in the index.
 ;;=The code should take the internal value from the index subscript X, and
 ;;=convert it back to a format that can be displayed to an end user.  During
 ;;=lookup, if a match or matches are made to a lookup value that was
 ;;=transformed using the TRANSFORM FOR LOOKUP code on this index, then
 ;;=FileMan will execute the TRANSFORM FOR DISPLAY code before displaying the
 ;;=index value(s) to the end user.
 ;;=MAXIMUM LENGTH^NJ3,0^^0;5^K:+X'=X!(X>240)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
 ;;=Answer must be between 1 and 240, with no decimal digits. Answer '??' for more help.
 ;;=Answer must be the maximum length this cross-reference value should have
 ;;=when stored as a subscript in the index. FileMan's lookup utilties
 ;;=account for lookup values longer than the maximum length.
 ;;=Specify a MAXIMUM LENGTH when an untruncated subscript may cause the
 ;;=length of a global reference in the index to exceed the M Portability
 ;;=Answer '??' for more help.
 ;;=Answer with the direction FileMan's lookup utilities should $ORDER through
 ;;=this subscript when entries are returned or displayed to the user. If for
 ;;=example, you have a compound index on a Date of Birth field and a Name
 ;;=field, and you specify a COLLATION of 'backwards' on the Date of Birth
 ;;=value, the Lister and the Finder will return entries in reverse-date
 ;;=order. Likewise, question mark (?) help and partial matches in interactive
 ;;=^DIC lookups will display entries in reverse-date order.
 ;;=LOOKUP PROMPT^F^^0;8^K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<1) X
 ;;=Answer must be 1-30 characters in length. Answer '??' for more help.
 ;;=The text entered here will become a prompt for the user when this index is
 ;;=used for lookup (i.e., in the Classic FileMan calls to ^DIC.)  If the text
 ;;=is missing, then the FIELD LABEL will be used as a default.