GMPLI00M ; ; 25-AUG-1994
;;2.0;Problem List;;Aug 25, 1994
Q:'DIFQ(9000011) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y
;;=This file contains patient specific problems entered by the various
;;=providers of service. The PATIENT NAME field (.02) is a backward pointer
;;=to the IHS PATIENT file. This file contains one record for each problem
;;=for each patient, therefore, the KEY field (.01) is duplicated.
;;=As of March 17, 1986 the FACILITY must be entered prior to the NUMBER.
;;=If the NUMBER is entered without previously entering the FACILITY the
;;="AA" index is created with no FACILITY pointer.
;;=W " ",$S($D(^DPT(+$P(^(0),U,2),0))#2:$P(^(0),U,1),1:""),@("$E("_DIC_"Y,0),0)")
;;=S %I=Y,Y=$S('$D(^(0)):"",$D(^DIC(4,+$P(^(0),U,6),0))#2:$P(^(0),U,1),1:""),C=$P(^DD(4,.01,0),U,2) D Y^DIQ:Y]"" W " ",Y,@("$E("_DIC_"%I,0),0)") S Y=%I K %I
;;=W " ",$P(^(0),U,7)
;;=DIAGNOSIS^R*P80'^ICD9(^0;1^S DIC("S")="I 1 Q:$G(DUZ(""AG""))=""V"" I $E(^(0))'=""E"",$P(^(0),U,9)="""" Q:$P(^(0),U,10)="""" I $P(^(0),U,10)=AUPNSEX" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X
;;=S ^AUPNPROB("B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
;;=K ^AUPNPROB("B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
;;=S:$D(APCDLOOK) DIC("DR")=""
;;=Controls the behaviour of the input templates used by IHS to populate
;;=and maintain this file.
;;=Enter the ICD Code for this problem.
;;=Cannot be an E code or an inactive code and must be appropriate for the sex of the Patient.
;;=S DIC("S")="I 1 Q:$G(DUZ(""AG""))=""V"" I $E(^(0))'=""E"",$P(^(0),U,9)="""" Q:$P(^(0),U,10)="""" I $P(^(0),U,10)=AUPNSEX"
;;=This is the ICD coded diagnosis of the narrative entered describing
;;=this problem.
;;=The DHCP Problem List application derives its entries from a lookup
;;=into the Clinical Lexicon Utility rather than the ICD Diagnosis file.
;;=If the term selected from the CLU is not coded to ICD, then code 799.99
GMPLI00M ; ; 25-AUG-1994
+1 ;;2.0;Problem List;;Aug 25, 1994
+2 IF 'DIFQ(9000011)
FOR I=1:2
IF X=""
SET Y=$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),4,999)
IF $ASCII(Y)=126
SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)_$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),5,99)
+1 ;;^DIC(9000011,0,"GL")
+2 ;;=^AUPNPROB(
+3 ;;^DIC("B","PROBLEM",9000011)
+4 ;;=
+5 ;;^DIC(9000011,"%D",0)
+6 ;;=^^8^8^2940511^^^^
+7 ;;^DIC(9000011,"%D",1,0)
+8 ;;=This file contains patient specific problems entered by the various
+9 ;;^DIC(9000011,"%D",2,0)
+10 ;;=providers of service. The PATIENT NAME field (.02) is a backward pointer
+11 ;;^DIC(9000011,"%D",3,0)
+12 ;;=to the IHS PATIENT file. This file contains one record for each problem
+13 ;;^DIC(9000011,"%D",4,0)
+14 ;;=for each patient, therefore, the KEY field (.01) is duplicated.
+15 ;;^DIC(9000011,"%D",5,0)
+16 ;;=
+17 ;;^DIC(9000011,"%D",6,0)
+18 ;;=As of March 17, 1986 the FACILITY must be entered prior to the NUMBER.
+19 ;;^DIC(9000011,"%D",7,0)
+20 ;;=If the NUMBER is entered without previously entering the FACILITY the
+21 ;;^DIC(9000011,"%D",8,0)
+22 ;;="AA" index is created with no FACILITY pointer.
+23 ;;^DD(9000011,0)
+24 ;;=FIELD^^1.14^25
+25 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"DDA")
+26 ;;=N
+27 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"DT")
+28 ;;=2940412
+29 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"ID",.02)
+30 ;;=W " ",$S($D(^DPT(+$P(^(0),U,2),0))#2:$P(^(0),U,1),1:""),@("$E("_DIC_"Y,0),0)")
+31 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"ID",.06)
+32 ;;=S %I=Y,Y=$S('$D(^(0)):"",$D(^DIC(4,+$P(^(0),U,6),0))#2:$P(^(0),U,1),1:""),C=$P(^DD(4,.01,0),U,2) D Y^DIQ:Y]"" W " ",Y,@("$E("_DIC_"%I,0),0)") S Y=%I K %I
+33 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"ID",.07)
+34 ;;=W " ",$P(^(0),U,7)
+35 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"IX","AA",9000011,.07)
+36 ;;=
+37 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"IX","AATOO",9000011,.02)
+38 ;;=
+39 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"IX","AATOO2",9000011,.06)
+40 ;;=
+41 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"IX","AC",9000011,.02)
+42 ;;=
+43 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"IX","ACTIVE",9000011,.12)
+44 ;;=
+45 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"IX","ACTIVE1",9000011,.02)
+46 ;;=
+47 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"IX","AV1",9000011,.06)
+48 ;;=
+49 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"IX","AV9",9000011,.01)
+50 ;;=
+51 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"IX","B",9000011,.01)
+52 ;;=
+53 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"IX","C",9000011,1.01)
+54 ;;=
+55 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"NM","PROBLEM")
+56 ;;=
+57 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"PT",125.8,.01)
+58 ;;=
+59 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"PT",9000010.07,.16)
+60 ;;=
+61 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"SP",.06)
+62 ;;=
+63 ;;^DD(9000011,0,"SP",.07)
+64 ;;=
+65 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,0)
+66 ;;=DIAGNOSIS^R*P80'^ICD9(^0;1^S DIC("S")="I 1 Q:$G(DUZ(""AG""))=""V"" I $E(^(0))'=""E"",$P(^(0),U,9)="""" Q:$P(^(0),U,10)="""" I $P(^(0),U,10)=AUPNSEX" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X
+67 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,0)
+68 ;;=^.1
+69 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,1,0)
+70 ;;=9000011^B
+71 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,1,1)
+72 ;;=S ^AUPNPROB("B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
+73 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,1,2)
+74 ;;=K ^AUPNPROB("B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
+75 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,2,0)
+76 ;;=9000011^AV9^MUMPS
+77 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,2,1)
+78 ;;=S:$D(APCDLOOK) DIC("DR")=""
+79 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,2,2)
+80 ;;=Q
+81 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,2,"%D",0)
+82 ;;=^^2^2^2940110^
+83 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,2,"%D",1,0)
+84 ;;=Controls the behaviour of the input templates used by IHS to populate
+85 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,2,"%D",2,0)
+86 ;;=and maintain this file.
+87 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,1,2,"DT")
+88 ;;=2940110
+89 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,3)
+90 ;;=Enter the ICD Code for this problem.
+91 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,12)
+92 ;;=Cannot be an E code or an inactive code and must be appropriate for the sex of the Patient.
+93 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,12.1)
+94 ;;=S DIC("S")="I 1 Q:$G(DUZ(""AG""))=""V"" I $E(^(0))'=""E"",$P(^(0),U,9)="""" Q:$P(^(0),U,10)="""" I $P(^(0),U,10)=AUPNSEX"
+95 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,21,0)
+96 ;;=^^2^2^2930908^^^^
+97 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,21,1,0)
+98 ;;=This is the ICD coded diagnosis of the narrative entered describing
+99 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,21,2,0)
+100 ;;=this problem.
+101 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,23,0)
+102 ;;=^^5^5^2930908^^
+103 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,23,1,0)
+104 ;;=The DHCP Problem List application derives its entries from a lookup
+105 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,23,2,0)
+106 ;;=into the Clinical Lexicon Utility rather than the ICD Diagnosis file.
+107 ;;^DD(9000011,.01,23,3,0)
+108 ;;=If the term selected from the CLU is not coded to ICD, then code 799.99