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Routine: IBCF2P


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IBCF2P	;ALB/ARH - PRINT HCFA 1500 12-90 FORM ; 17-JUL-93
	;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94
	;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
PRINT	; print the form, IBFLD required
	S IBADDM=+$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,1)),U,27),IBPAGE=1
	F IBI=1:1:6 W !,?IBADDM,$G(IBFLD(0,IBI)) ;mailing address
LINE8	; insured's ID number
	W !!,?49,$E(IBFLD("1A"),1,28)
LINE10	; patient name, DOB, sex; insured's name ("SAME" if patient)
	W !!,$E(IBFLD(2),1,28),?30,IBFLD("3D"),?($S(IBFLD("3X")="M":41,1:46)),"X",?49,$E(IBFLD(4),1,28)
LINE12	; patient's address (street); pt. rel to ins.; insured's address
	W !!,$E(IBFLD(5,1),1,28),?($S(+IBFLD(6)=1:32,+IBFLD(6)=2:37,+IBFLD(6)=3:41,1:46)),"X",?49,$E(IBFLD(7),1,28)
LINE14	; patient addr city, state code, marital status; insured's city, state
	W !!,$E(IBFLD(5,2),1,24),?25,IBFLD("5S"),?($S(IBFLD("8M")="S":34,IBFLD("8M")="M":40,1:46)),"X",?49
LINE16	; patient zip code, phone; patient employment status; insured's zip code, phone
	W !!,$E(IBFLD(5,3),1,12),?14,IBFLD("5T"),?34,$S(IBFLD("8E")="E":"X",1:""),?49
LINE18	; other insured's name; insured's policy group
	W !!,$E(IBFLD(9),1,28),?49,$E(IBFLD(11),1,28)
LINE20	; other insured's policy number; condition related to employment?; insured's date of birth and sex
	W !!,$E(IBFLD("9A"),1,28),?($S(+IBFLD("10A"):34,1:40)),"X",?53,?($S(IBFLD("11AX")="M":67,1:74)),"X"
LINE22	; other insured's DOB, sex; patient auto accident & place; insured's employer
	W !!,?1,IBFLD("9BD") I IBFLD("9BX")'="" W ?($S(IBFLD("9BX")="M":17,1:23)),"X"
	W ?($S(+IBFLD("10B"):34,1:40)),"X",?44,IBFLD("10BS"),?49,$E(IBFLD("11B"),1,28)
LINE24	; other insured's employer; patient other accident; insured's insurance plan name
	W !!,$E(IBFLD("9C"),1,28),?($S(+IBFLD("10C"):34,1:40)),"X",?49,$E(IBFLD("11C"),1,28)
LINE26	; other insured's plan name; is there another benefit plan
	W !!,$E(IBFLD("9D"),1,28),?($S(+IBFLD("11D"):51,1:56)),"X"
LINE29	; patient's signature; insured's signature (use PL 99-272, SECTION 1729 TITLE 38)
	W !!!,?3,IBFLD(12),?56,IBFLD(13)
LINE32	; date of current illness; date of similar illness; dates unable to work
	W !!!,?1,IBFLD(14),?36,IBFLD(15),?53,IBFLD("16A"),?67,IBFLD("16B")
LINE34	; name of referring physician; ID# referring physician; hospitalization dates related to services
	W !!,?53,IBFLD("18A"),?67,IBFLD("18B")
LINE35	; "not for SC" note line 1
	W !,?14,$E(IBFLD(19),1,31)_"-"
LINE36	; "not for SC" note line 2; outside lab (now defaults to "no" in IBEHCFA)
	W !,$E(IBFLD(19),32,999),?56,"X"
LINE38	; diagnosis codes 1 and 2; field 22 (MEDICAID) left blank
	W !!,?2,IBFLD(21,1),?30,IBFLD(21,3)
LINE40	; diagnosis codes 3 and 4; field 23 (prior authorization #)
	W !!,?2,IBFLD(21,2),?30,IBFLD(21,4),?49,IBFLD(23)
LINE44	;lines 44,46,48,50,52,54 all the same
	W !! S IBI=+$P(IBFLD(24),U,2) F IBJ=1:1:6 S IBI=IBI+1 D
	. W ! I $D(IBFLD(24,IBI_"A")) W ?25,$E(IBFLD(24,IBI_"A"),1,15)
	. W ! I $D(IBFLD(24,IBI)) D  S IBFLD(24)=IBFLD(24)-1
	.. W $P(IBFLD(24,IBI),U,1),?9,$P(IBFLD(24,IBI),U,2),?18,$P(IBFLD(24,IBI),U,3),?21,$P(IBFLD(24,IBI),U,4),?25,$E($P(IBFLD(24,IBI),U,5),1,15)
	.. W ?41,$P(IBFLD(24,IBI),U,6),?47,$S(+$P(IBFLD(24,IBI),U,7):$J($P(IBFLD(24,IBI),U,7),10,2),1:""),?57,$J($P(IBFLD(24,IBI),U,8),3)
	S $P(IBFLD(24),U,2)=IBI
LINE56	W !!,IBFLD(25),?18,"X",?22,IBFLD(26),?49,$J(IBFLD(28),10,2),?62,?71
LINE58	W !!,?22,$E(IBFLD(32,1),1,26),?49,$E(IBFLD(33,1),1,26)
LINE69	W !,$E(IBFLD(31),1,21),?22,$E(IBFLD(32,2),1,26),?49,$E(IBFLD(33,2),1,26)
LINE60	W !,$E(IBFLD(31),22,42)
	W ?22,$E(IBFLD(32,3),1,(26-2-$L(IBFLD(32,"X")))) I IBFLD(32,"X")'="" W ", "_IBFLD(32,"X")
	W ?49,$E(IBFLD(33,3),1,(26-2-$L(IBFLD(33,"X")))) I IBFLD(33,"X")'="" W ", "_IBFLD(33,"X")
LINE61	W !,$E(IBFLD(31),43,63),?49,IBFLD(33,4)
	I +IBFLD(24)>0 D  G LINE38 ;multiple pages
	. W @IOF,!,?IBADDM,"PAGE ",IBPAGE,!!!!!!!,?49,IBFLD("1A"),!!,IBFLD(2)
	. F IBI=1:1:26 W !