IBINI00P ; ; 21-MAR-1994
;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94
Q:'DIFQ(36) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y
;;=entering policy or benefit information.
;;=PHONE NUMBER^FX^^.13;1^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
;;=Enter the telephone number of the company with 7 - 20 characters, ex. 777-8888, 415 111 2222 x123.
;;=Enter the phone number at which this insurance carrier can be reached.
;;=I $D(DGINS)
;;=CLAIMS (RX) PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;11^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
;;=Enter the telephone number of the prescription claims office with 7 - 20 characters, ex. 777-8888, 415 111 2222x123.
;;=Enter the phone number at which the prescription claims office of this insurance carrier can be reached.
;;=BILLING PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;2^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
;;=Enter the telephone number of the billing office for this company. Answer must be 7-20 characters in length.
;;=Enter the phone number of the insurance carrier where inquiries about
;;=patient billing should be made.
;;=Enter the phone number for getting Precertification of insurance if this company requires it. Answer must be 7-20 characters in length.
;;=If precertification is required prior to a patient being treated, enter
;;=the number of the insurance carrier to which this request can be made.
;;=VERIFICATION PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;4^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
;;=Enter the phone number for getting verification of insurance. Answer must be 7-20 characters in length.
;;=Enter the phone number of the insurance carrier to which a Verification
;;=request can be made.
;;=CLAIMS (INPT) PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;5^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
;;=Enter the telephone number of the inpatient claims office with 7-20 characters, e.g. 777-8888, 415 111 2222 x123.
;;=Enter the telephone number at which this insurance carrier's
;;=inpatient claims office can be reached.
;;=CLAIMS (OPT) PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;6^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
;;=Enter the telephone number of the outpatient claims office with 7 - 20 characters, ex. 777-8888, 415 111 2222 x123.
;;=Enter the phone number at which the outpatient claims office
;;=of this insurance carrier can be reached.
;;=APPEALS PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;7^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
;;=Enter the telephone number of the appeals office with 7 - 20 characters, ex. 777-8888, 415 111 2222 x123.
;;=Enter the telephone number at which the appeals office of this insurance
IBINI00P ; ; 21-MAR-1994
+1 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94
+2 IF 'DIFQ(36)
FOR I=1:2
IF X=""
SET Y=$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),4,999)
IF $ASCII(Y)=126
SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)_$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),5,99)
+1 ;;^DD(36,.13,21,11,0)
+2 ;;=entering policy or benefit information.
+3 ;;^DD(36,.13,"DT")
+4 ;;=2930603
+5 ;;^DD(36,.131,0)
+6 ;;=PHONE NUMBER^FX^^.13;1^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
+7 ;;^DD(36,.131,3)
+8 ;;=Enter the telephone number of the company with 7 - 20 characters, ex. 777-8888, 415 111 2222 x123.
+9 ;;^DD(36,.131,21,0)
+10 ;;=^^1^1^2911222^
+11 ;;^DD(36,.131,21,1,0)
+12 ;;=Enter the phone number at which this insurance carrier can be reached.
+13 ;;^DD(36,.131,"DEL",1,0)
+14 ;;=I $D(DGINS)
+15 ;;^DD(36,.131,"DT")
+16 ;;=2930226
+17 ;;^DD(36,.1311,0)
+18 ;;=CLAIMS (RX) PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;11^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
+19 ;;^DD(36,.1311,3)
+20 ;;=Enter the telephone number of the prescription claims office with 7 - 20 characters, ex. 777-8888, 415 111 2222x123.
+21 ;;^DD(36,.1311,21,0)
+22 ;;=^^1^1^2940104^^
+23 ;;^DD(36,.1311,21,1,0)
+24 ;;=Enter the phone number at which the prescription claims office of this insurance carrier can be reached.
+25 ;;^DD(36,.1311,"DT")
+26 ;;=2940104
+27 ;;^DD(36,.132,0)
+28 ;;=BILLING PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;2^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
+29 ;;^DD(36,.132,3)
+30 ;;=Enter the telephone number of the billing office for this company. Answer must be 7-20 characters in length.
+31 ;;^DD(36,.132,21,0)
+32 ;;=^^2^2^2911222^
+33 ;;^DD(36,.132,21,1,0)
+34 ;;=Enter the phone number of the insurance carrier where inquiries about
+35 ;;^DD(36,.132,21,2,0)
+36 ;;=patient billing should be made.
+37 ;;^DD(36,.132,"DT")
+38 ;;=2900504
+39 ;;^DD(36,.133,0)
+40 ;;=PRECERTIFICATION PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;3^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
+41 ;;^DD(36,.133,3)
+42 ;;=Enter the phone number for getting Precertification of insurance if this company requires it. Answer must be 7-20 characters in length.
+43 ;;^DD(36,.133,21,0)
+44 ;;=^^2^2^2911222^
+45 ;;^DD(36,.133,21,1,0)
+46 ;;=If precertification is required prior to a patient being treated, enter
+47 ;;^DD(36,.133,21,2,0)
+48 ;;=the number of the insurance carrier to which this request can be made.
+49 ;;^DD(36,.133,"DT")
+50 ;;=2900504
+51 ;;^DD(36,.134,0)
+52 ;;=VERIFICATION PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;4^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
+53 ;;^DD(36,.134,3)
+54 ;;=Enter the phone number for getting verification of insurance. Answer must be 7-20 characters in length.
+55 ;;^DD(36,.134,21,0)
+56 ;;=^^2^2^2930715^^
+57 ;;^DD(36,.134,21,1,0)
+58 ;;=Enter the phone number of the insurance carrier to which a Verification
+59 ;;^DD(36,.134,21,2,0)
+60 ;;=request can be made.
+61 ;;^DD(36,.134,"DT")
+62 ;;=2930329
+63 ;;^DD(36,.135,0)
+64 ;;=CLAIMS (INPT) PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;5^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
+65 ;;^DD(36,.135,3)
+66 ;;=Enter the telephone number of the inpatient claims office with 7-20 characters, e.g. 777-8888, 415 111 2222 x123.
+67 ;;^DD(36,.135,21,0)
+68 ;;=^^2^2^2930715^^^^
+69 ;;^DD(36,.135,21,1,0)
+70 ;;=Enter the telephone number at which this insurance carrier's
+71 ;;^DD(36,.135,21,2,0)
+72 ;;=inpatient claims office can be reached.
+73 ;;^DD(36,.135,"DT")
+74 ;;=2930715
+75 ;;^DD(36,.136,0)
+76 ;;=CLAIMS (OPT) PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;6^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
+77 ;;^DD(36,.136,3)
+78 ;;=Enter the telephone number of the outpatient claims office with 7 - 20 characters, ex. 777-8888, 415 111 2222 x123.
+79 ;;^DD(36,.136,21,0)
+80 ;;=2
+81 ;;^DD(36,.136,21,1,0)
+82 ;;=Enter the phone number at which the outpatient claims office
+83 ;;^DD(36,.136,21,2,0)
+84 ;;=of this insurance carrier can be reached.
+85 ;;^DD(36,.136,"DT")
+86 ;;=2930715
+87 ;;^DD(36,.137,0)
+88 ;;=APPEALS PHONE NUMBER^F^^.13;7^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<7) X
+89 ;;^DD(36,.137,3)
+90 ;;=Enter the telephone number of the appeals office with 7 - 20 characters, ex. 777-8888, 415 111 2222 x123.
+91 ;;^DD(36,.137,21,0)
+92 ;;=^^2^2^2930823^^^^
+93 ;;^DD(36,.137,21,1,0)
+94 ;;=Enter the telephone number at which the appeals office of this insurance