IBINI015 ; ; 21-MAR-1994
;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94
Q:'DIFQ(350) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y
;;=This is the patient that received services, care, or medications that
;;=caused this entry to be created. If the debtor is the patient, this
;;=patient is the debtor.
;;=ACTION TYPE^P350.1'I^IBE(350.1,^0;3^Q
;;=S ^IB("AE",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
;;=K ^IB("AE",$E(X,1,30),DA)
;;=This field points to an entry in the IB ACTION TYPE file. Entries in
;;=the IB ACTION TYPE file provide specific information about the type
;;=of entry that is being created and provides data necessary to AR and
;;=to resolve the data from the application.
;;=Applications passing data to IB determine the Action Type and pass this
;;=to IB.
;;=RESULTING FROM^FI^^0;4^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<1) X
;;=Answer must be 1-20 characters in length.
;;=This will be the soft-link back to the entry in any file that caused
;;=this transaction to be set. It will be in the format of:
;;= filenumber:entry;[node:sub-entry];[node:sub-entry]...
;;=The number of node:sub-entry pieces will depend on the level of
;;=multiples that cause the entry. For example, a new prescription
;;=might be '52:345678' but the first refill might be '52:345678;1,1'.
;;=S ^IB("AC",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
;;=K ^IB("AC",$E(X,1,30),DA)
;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IB(D0,1)):^(1),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,3),X=X S DIU=X K Y S X=DIV S X=$S($D(IBDUZ):IBDUZ,$D(DUZ):DUZ,1:.5) X ^DD(350,.05,1,2,1.4)
;;=S DIH=$S($D(^IB(DIV(0),1)):^(1),1:""),DIV=X S $P(^(1),U,3)=DIV,DIH=350,DIG=13 D ^DICR:$N(^DD(DIH,DIG,1,0))>0
;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IB(D0,1)):^(1),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,3),X=X S DIU=X K Y S X=DIV S X=$S($D(IBDUZ):IBDUZ,$D(DUZ):DUZ,1:.5) X ^DD(350,.05,1,2,2.4)
;;=S DIH=$S($D(^IB(DIV(0),1)):^(1),1:""),DIV=X S $P(^(1),U,3)=DIV,DIH=350,DIG=13 D ^DICR:$N(^DD(DIH,DIG,1,0))>0
;;^DD(350,.05,1,2,"CREATE VALUE")
;;=S X=$S($D(IBDUZ):IBDUZ,$D(DUZ):DUZ,1:.5)
;;^DD(350,.05,1,2,"DELETE VALUE")
;;=S X=$S($D(IBDUZ):IBDUZ,$D(DUZ):DUZ,1:.5)
;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IB(D0,1)):^(1),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,4),X=X S DIU=X K Y X ^DD(350,.05,1,3,1.1) X ^DD(350,.05,1,3,1.4)
;;=S X=DIV S %=$P($H,",",2),X=DT_(%\60#60/100+(%\3600)+(%#60/10000)/100)
;;=S DIH=$S($D(^IB(DIV(0),1)):^(1),1:""),DIV=X S $P(^(1),U,4)=DIV,DIH=350,DIG=14 D ^DICR:$N(^DD(DIH,DIG,1,0))>0
;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IB(D0,1)):^(1),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,4),X=X S DIU=X K Y X ^DD(350,.05,1,3,2.1) X ^DD(350,.05,1,3,2.4)
IBINI015 ; ; 21-MAR-1994
+1 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94
+2 IF 'DIFQ(350)
FOR I=1:2
IF X=""
SET Y=$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),4,999)
IF $ASCII(Y)=126
SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)_$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),5,99)
+1 ;;^DD(350,.02,21,1,0)
+2 ;;=This is the patient that received services, care, or medications that
+3 ;;^DD(350,.02,21,2,0)
+4 ;;=caused this entry to be created. If the debtor is the patient, this
+5 ;;^DD(350,.02,21,3,0)
+6 ;;=patient is the debtor.
+7 ;;^DD(350,.02,"DT")
+8 ;;=2930728
+9 ;;^DD(350,.03,0)
+10 ;;=ACTION TYPE^P350.1'I^IBE(350.1,^0;3^Q
+11 ;;^DD(350,.03,1,0)
+12 ;;=^.1^^-1
+13 ;;^DD(350,.03,1,1,0)
+14 ;;=350^AE
+15 ;;^DD(350,.03,1,1,1)
+16 ;;=S ^IB("AE",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
+17 ;;^DD(350,.03,1,1,2)
+18 ;;=K ^IB("AE",$E(X,1,30),DA)
+19 ;;^DD(350,.03,3)
+20 ;;=
+21 ;;^DD(350,.03,21,0)
+22 ;;=^^7^7^2940209^^^^
+23 ;;^DD(350,.03,21,1,0)
+24 ;;=This field points to an entry in the IB ACTION TYPE file. Entries in
+25 ;;^DD(350,.03,21,2,0)
+26 ;;=the IB ACTION TYPE file provide specific information about the type
+27 ;;^DD(350,.03,21,3,0)
+28 ;;=of entry that is being created and provides data necessary to AR and
+29 ;;^DD(350,.03,21,4,0)
+30 ;;=to resolve the data from the application.
+31 ;;^DD(350,.03,21,5,0)
+32 ;;=
+33 ;;^DD(350,.03,21,6,0)
+34 ;;=Applications passing data to IB determine the Action Type and pass this
+35 ;;^DD(350,.03,21,7,0)
+36 ;;=to IB.
+37 ;;^DD(350,.03,"DT")
+38 ;;=2910304
+39 ;;^DD(350,.04,0)
+40 ;;=RESULTING FROM^FI^^0;4^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<1) X
+41 ;;^DD(350,.04,3)
+42 ;;=Answer must be 1-20 characters in length.
+43 ;;^DD(350,.04,21,0)
+44 ;;=^^8^8^2940209^^^^
+45 ;;^DD(350,.04,21,1,0)
+46 ;;=This will be the soft-link back to the entry in any file that caused
+47 ;;^DD(350,.04,21,2,0)
+48 ;;=this transaction to be set. It will be in the format of:
+49 ;;^DD(350,.04,21,3,0)
+50 ;;=
+51 ;;^DD(350,.04,21,4,0)
+52 ;;= filenumber:entry;[node:sub-entry];[node:sub-entry]...
+53 ;;^DD(350,.04,21,5,0)
+54 ;;=
+55 ;;^DD(350,.04,21,6,0)
+56 ;;=The number of node:sub-entry pieces will depend on the level of
+57 ;;^DD(350,.04,21,7,0)
+58 ;;=multiples that cause the entry. For example, a new prescription
+59 ;;^DD(350,.04,21,8,0)
+60 ;;=might be '52:345678' but the first refill might be '52:345678;1,1'.
+61 ;;^DD(350,.04,"DT")
+62 ;;=2910304
+63 ;;^DD(350,.05,0)
+64 ;;=STATUS^P350.21'^IBE(350.21,^0;5^Q
+65 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,0)
+66 ;;=^.1
+67 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,1,0)
+68 ;;=350^AC
+69 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,1,1)
+70 ;;=S ^IB("AC",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
+71 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,1,2)
+72 ;;=K ^IB("AC",$E(X,1,30),DA)
+73 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,2,0)
+74 ;;=^^TRIGGER^350^13
+75 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,2,1)
+76 ;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IB(D0,1)):^(1),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,3),X=X S DIU=X K Y S X=DIV S X=$S($D(IBDUZ):IBDUZ,$D(DUZ):DUZ,1:.5) X ^DD(350,.05,1,2,1.4)
+77 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,2,1.4)
+78 ;;=S DIH=$S($D(^IB(DIV(0),1)):^(1),1:""),DIV=X S $P(^(1),U,3)=DIV,DIH=350,DIG=13 D ^DICR:$N(^DD(DIH,DIG,1,0))>0
+79 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,2,2)
+80 ;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IB(D0,1)):^(1),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,3),X=X S DIU=X K Y S X=DIV S X=$S($D(IBDUZ):IBDUZ,$D(DUZ):DUZ,1:.5) X ^DD(350,.05,1,2,2.4)
+81 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,2,2.4)
+82 ;;=S DIH=$S($D(^IB(DIV(0),1)):^(1),1:""),DIV=X S $P(^(1),U,3)=DIV,DIH=350,DIG=13 D ^DICR:$N(^DD(DIH,DIG,1,0))>0
+83 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,2,"CREATE VALUE")
+84 ;;=S X=$S($D(IBDUZ):IBDUZ,$D(DUZ):DUZ,1:.5)
+85 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,2,"DELETE VALUE")
+86 ;;=S X=$S($D(IBDUZ):IBDUZ,$D(DUZ):DUZ,1:.5)
+87 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,2,"FIELD")
+88 ;;=#13
+89 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,3,0)
+90 ;;=^^TRIGGER^350^14
+91 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,3,1)
+92 ;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IB(D0,1)):^(1),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,4),X=X S DIU=X K Y X ^DD(350,.05,1,3,1.1) X ^DD(350,.05,1,3,1.4)
+93 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,3,1.1)
+94 ;;=S X=DIV S %=$P($H,",",2),X=DT_(%\60#60/100+(%\3600)+(%#60/10000)/100)
+95 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,3,1.4)
+96 ;;=S DIH=$S($D(^IB(DIV(0),1)):^(1),1:""),DIV=X S $P(^(1),U,4)=DIV,DIH=350,DIG=14 D ^DICR:$N(^DD(DIH,DIG,1,0))>0
+97 ;;^DD(350,.05,1,3,2)
+98 ;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IB(D0,1)):^(1),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,4),X=X S DIU=X K Y X ^DD(350,.05,1,3,2.1) X ^DD(350,.05,1,3,2.4)