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Routine: IBINI05M


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  1. IBINI05M ; ; 21-MAR-1994
  1. ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94
  1. Q:'DIFQ(356) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y
  1. Q Q
  1. ;;^DD(356,.3,21,1,0)
  1. ;;=This is the ICD9 diagnosis code for the admitting diagnosis.
  1. ;;^DD(356,.3,"DT")
  1. ;;=2930901
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,0)
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,21,0)
  1. ;;=^^9^9^2930820^^
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,21,1,0)
  1. ;;=Enter whether or not a special consent release of information
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,21,2,0)
  1. ;;=form for this patient for this
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,21,3,0)
  1. ;;=episode of care is required, obtained, or not necessary. If ROI is
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,21,4,0)
  1. ;;=required but not obtained, certain clinical information may not be
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,21,5,0)
  1. ;;=released to Insurance carriers. This will affect contacts with
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,21,6,0)
  1. ;;=insurance companies and bill preparation.
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,21,7,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,21,8,0)
  1. ;;=Generally a special consent is required if the patient has or was treated
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,21,9,0)
  1. ;;=for Drug and Alcohol, HIV, and sickle cell anemia.
  1. ;;^DD(356,.31,"DT")
  1. ;;=2930824
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,0)
  1. ;;=SCHEDULED ADMISSION^*P41.1'^DGS(41.1,^0;32^S DIC("S")="I +^(0)=$P(^IBT(356,DA,0),U,2)" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,1,0)
  1. ;;=^.1
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,1,1,0)
  1. ;;=356^ASCH
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,1,1,1)
  1. ;;=S ^IBT(356,"ASCH",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,1,1,2)
  1. ;;=K ^IBT(356,"ASCH",$E(X,1,30),DA)
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,1,1,"%D",0)
  1. ;;=^^1^1^2930809^
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,1,1,"%D",1,0)
  1. ;;=Regular index of scheduled admissions
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,1,1,"DT")
  1. ;;=2930809
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,12)
  1. ;;=You can only select scheduled admissions for the same patient.
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,12.1)
  1. ;;=S DIC("S")="I +^(0)=$P(^IBT(356,DA,0),U,2)"
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,21,0)
  1. ;;=^^7^7^2930809^
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,21,1,0)
  1. ;;=If this claims tracking entry is for a scheduled admission, this is
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,21,2,0)
  1. ;;=the scheduled admission.
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,21,3,0)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,21,4,0)
  1. ;;=This field points to the entry in the Scheduled Admissions file that
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,21,5,0)
  1. ;;=is being tracked. When this scheduled admission is acutally admitted,
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,21,6,0)
  1. ;;=it will be converted to an inpatient admission tracking record
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,21,7,0)
  1. ;;=automatically.
  1. ;;^DD(356,.32,"DT")
  1. ;;=2930809
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,0)
  1. ;;=DATE ENTERED^D^^1;1^S %DT="ETX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,0)
  1. ;;=^.1
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,0)
  1. ;;=^^TRIGGER^356^.17
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,1)
  1. ;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IBT(356,D0,0)):^(0),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,17),X=X S DIU=X K Y X ^DD(356,1.01,1,1,1.1) X ^DD(356,1.01,1,1,1.4)
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,1.1)
  1. ;;=S X=DIV S X=$$EABD^IBTUTL($P($G(^IBT(356,+DA,0)),U,18),+$G(^IBT(356,+DA,1)))
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,1.4)
  1. ;;=S DIH=$S($D(^IBT(356,DIV(0),0)):^(0),1:""),DIV=X S $P(^(0),U,17)=DIV,DIH=356,DIG=.17 D ^DICR:$N(^DD(DIH,DIG,1,0))>0
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,2)
  1. ;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IBT(356,D0,0)):^(0),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,17),X=X S DIU=X K Y S X="" S DIH=$S($D(^IBT(356,DIV(0),0)):^(0),1:""),DIV=X S $P(^(0),U,17)=DIV,DIH=356,DIG=.17 D ^DICR:$N(^DD(DIH,DIG,1,0))>0
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,"%D",0)
  1. ;;=^^2^2^2930824^^
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,"%D",1,0)
  1. ;;=Sets the Earliest Auto Bill Date whenever Date Entered is set. Does
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,"%D",2,0)
  1. ;;=not check if event is billable.
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,"CREATE VALUE")
  1. ;;=S X=$$EABD^IBTUTL($P($G(^IBT(356,+DA,0)),U,18),+$G(^IBT(356,+DA,1)))
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,"DELETE VALUE")
  1. ;;=@
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,1,1,"FIELD")
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,3)
  1. ;;=
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,21,0)
  1. ;;=^^2^2^2930712^
  1. ;;^DD(356,1.01,21,1,0)
  1. ;;=Enter the date that this entry was created. This will usually be the