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Routine: IS00001B

Package: IHS Generic Interface System

Routine: IS00001B


IS00001B ;Compiled from script 'Generated: HL IHS JVN O01 PACS-O' on DEC 03, 2002

Source Information

Source file <IS00001B.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 3

Package Total Call Graph
IHS Generic Interface System 3 MC^INHS  SETPIECE^INHU  (A1,EN)^IS00001C  

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 1

Package Total Caller Graph
IHS Generic Interface System 1 IS00001A  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
MC^INHS EN+40, EN+70
SETPIECE^INHU EN, EN+8, EN+9, EN+10, EN+11, EN+41, EN+42, EN+43, EN+44, EN+45
, EN+71
A1^IS00001C 9+1
EN^IS00001C 9

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^SC - [#44] EN+15
^UTILITY("INH" EN+12*, EN+46*

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> CP EN, EN+8, EN+9, EN+10, EN+11, EN+41*, EN+42, EN+43, EN+44, EN+45
, EN+71*
D0 EN+1*, EN+3*, EN+5*, EN+7*, EN+17*, EN+19!, EN+21*, EN+23!, EN+25*, EN+27!
, EN+29*, EN+31!, EN+33*, EN+35!, EN+37*, EN+39!, EN+49*, EN+50!, EN+52*, EN+54!
, EN+56*, EN+58!, EN+60*, EN+61!, EN+63*, EN+65!, EN+67*, EN+69!
>> DELIM EN, EN+8, EN+9, EN+10, EN+11, EN+41, EN+42, EN+43, EN+44, EN+45
, EN+71
DXS EN+19!, EN+23!, EN+27!, EN+31!, EN+35!, EN+39!, EN+50!, EN+54!, EN+58!, EN+61!
, EN+65!, EN+69!
>> INDA EN+1, EN+3, EN+5, EN+7, EN+14*, EN+15, EN+17, EN+21, EN+25, EN+29
, EN+33, EN+37, EN+49, EN+52, EN+56, EN+60, EN+63, EN+67
>> INDA(44 EN+14
>> INDA0 EN+14*
>> INI(1 EN+14*
>> INSETID EN+13*, EN+47*
>> INV EN, EN+2, EN+4, EN+6, EN+8, EN+9, EN+10, EN+11, EN+19, EN+23
, EN+27, EN+31, EN+35, EN+39, EN+41, EN+42, EN+43, EN+44, EN+50, EN+54
, EN+58, EN+61, EN+65, EN+69, EN+71
>> INVS EN+40, EN+70
>> L1 EN*, EN+1*, EN+2*, EN+3*, EN+4*, EN+5*, EN+6*, EN+7*, EN+8*, EN+9*
, EN+10*, EN+11*, EN+41*, EN+42*, EN+43*, EN+44*, EN+45, EN+71*
>> LCT EN+12*, EN+46*
LINE EN, EN+8, EN+9, EN+10, EN+11, EN+12, EN+41!*, EN+42, EN+43, EN+44
, EN+45, EN+46, EN+71!*
>> SUBDELIM EN, EN+8, EN+9, EN+10, EN+11, EN+41, EN+42, EN+43, EN+44, EN+71
>> X EN+1*, EN+3*, EN+5*, EN+7*, EN+17*, EN+18*, EN+19, EN+21*, EN+22*, EN+23
, EN+25*, EN+26*, EN+27, EN+29*, EN+30*, EN+31, EN+33*, EN+34*, EN+35, EN+37*
, EN+38*, EN+39, EN+49*, EN+50, EN+52*, EN+53*, EN+54, EN+56*, EN+57*, EN+58
, EN+60*, EN+61, EN+63*, EN+64*, EN+65, EN+67*, EN+68*, EN+69
>> X1 EN+18*, EN+22*, EN+26*, EN+30*, EN+34*, EN+38*, EN+53*, EN+57*, EN+64*, EN+68*
>> Y(1 EN+49*, EN+60*
>> Y(2 EN+49*, EN+60*
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