Prompt: !,"The CLASSMAN software no longer uses its own device file."
Line Location: DOC+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"It uses the Kernel/Fileman Device file in the following manner:",!
Line Location: DOC+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,?5,"1. Loopbacks: Ports that are to be used as Loopbacks are to be named as",!,"CLASS1, CLASS2, ect. and be given the same HUNT GROUP ""KLASMAN"".",!
Line Location: DOC+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,?5,"2. Communication Ports: Port lines communicating to IDCU, VADATS, modems,",!,"other CPUs, ect. may be given any name desired but must have a mneumonic",!,"name of ""KLASDEV"" entered to be available to the Classman software."