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Routine: LA7VOBRB

Package: Automated Lab Instruments

Routine: LA7VOBRB


LA7VOBRB ;VA/DALOI/JMC - LAB OBR segment builder (cont'd); 13-Aug-2013 09:09 ; MKK

Source Information

Source file <LA7VOBRB.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 4

Package Total Call Graph
VA Fileman 2 $$FIND1^DIC  ($$GET1,GETS)^DIQ  
Automated Lab Instruments 1 $$CHKDATA^LA7VHLU3  
Kernel 1 $$TRIM^XLFSTR  

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 1

Package Total Caller Graph
Automated Lab Instruments 1 LA7VOBR  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
OBR15 ; Build OBR-15 sequence - specimen source

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
$$FIND1^DIC OBR15+15
$$GET1^DIQ OBR15+63, OBR15+78, OBR15+80
$$CHKDATA^LA7VHLU3 OBR15+9, OBR15+21, OBR15+23, OBR15+30, OBR15+32, OBR15+40, OBR15+48, OBR15+50, OBR15+58, OBR15+65
, OBR15+71, OBR15+72, OBR15+79, OBR15+81

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^LAB(62 - [#62] GET1^DIQ
^LAHM(62.93 - [#62.93] GET1^DIQ
^LAB(64.061 - [#64.061] FIND1^DIC,  GETS^DIQ

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^LAB(61 - [#61] OBR15+8

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> LA761 OBR15+7, OBR15+8, OBR15+38
>> LA761(0 OBR15+8*, OBR15+9, OBR15+38, OBR15+39, OBR15+40
>> LA762 OBR15+62, OBR15+63, OBR15+66
>> LA764061 OBR15+2*, OBR15+8*, OBR15+12, OBR15+15*, OBR15+17, OBR15+29, OBR15+30, OBR15+32, OBR15+34, OBR15+47
, OBR15+48, OBR15+50
>> LA7ALT OBR15+20, OBR15+21, OBR15+23, OBR15+25, OBR15+56, OBR15+58, OBR15+62, OBR15+70, OBR15+71, OBR15+72
, OBR15+73
>> LA7CM OBR15+77, OBR15+78, OBR15+80
>> LA7COMP OBR15+3*, OBR15+26*, OBR15+29, OBR15+31, OBR15+33, OBR15+34, OBR15+35*, OBR15+38, OBR15+39, OBR15+41
, OBR15+42, OBR15+43, OBR15+44*, OBR15+47, OBR15+49, OBR15+51, OBR15+52, OBR15+53
>> LA7ECH OBR15+9, OBR15+21, OBR15+22, OBR15+23, OBR15+24, OBR15+25, OBR15+30, OBR15+31, OBR15+32, OBR15+33
, OBR15+34, OBR15+39, OBR15+40, OBR15+41, OBR15+42, OBR15+43, OBR15+48, OBR15+49, OBR15+50, OBR15+51
, OBR15+52, OBR15+53, OBR15+58, OBR15+59, OBR15+65, OBR15+66, OBR15+67, OBR15+71, OBR15+72, OBR15+73
, OBR15+74, OBR15+79, OBR15+81, OBR15+82, OBR15+83
>> LA7FS OBR15+9, OBR15+21, OBR15+23, OBR15+30, OBR15+32, OBR15+40, OBR15+48, OBR15+50, OBR15+58, OBR15+65
, OBR15+71, OBR15+72, OBR15+79, OBR15+81
LA7SCR OBR15+13~, OBR15+14*, OBR15+15
>> LA7SNM OBR15+4*, OBR15+29
LA7TXT OBR15+57~, OBR15+58*, OBR15+59
>> LA7X OBR15+21*, OBR15+22, OBR15+23*, OBR15+24, OBR15+30*, OBR15+31, OBR15+32*, OBR15+33, OBR15+40*, OBR15+41
, OBR15+48*, OBR15+49, OBR15+50*, OBR15+51, OBR15+63*, OBR15+64*, OBR15+65*, OBR15+66*, OBR15+67, OBR15+73*
, OBR15+74, OBR15+82*, OBR15+83
>> LA7Y OBR15+4*, OBR15+9*, OBR15+22*, OBR15+24*, OBR15+25*, OBR15+31*, OBR15+33*, OBR15+34*, OBR15+39*, OBR15+41*
, OBR15+42*, OBR15+43*, OBR15+49*, OBR15+51*, OBR15+52*, OBR15+53*, OBR15+59*, OBR15+67*, OBR15+74*, OBR15+83*
>> LA7Z( OBR15+29, OBR15+30, OBR15+32, OBR15+34, OBR15+47, OBR15+48, OBR15+50
>> X OBR15+71*, OBR15+73, OBR15+78*, OBR15+79*, OBR15+82
>> Y OBR15+72*, OBR15+73, OBR15+80*, OBR15+81*, OBR15+82
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