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Routine: LEXAS6

Package: Lexicon Utility

Routine: LEXAS6


LEXAS6 ;ISL/KER - Look-up Check Input (TRIM,EXP,TP,SCH) ;04/21/2014

Source Information

Source file <LEXAS6.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 1

Package Total Call Graph
Lexicon Utility 1 $$ONE^LEXAS2  

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 6

Package Total Caller Graph
Lexicon Utility 6 LEXAM  LEXAS  LEXAS2  LEXAS3  LEXAS5  LEXAS7  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EXP3(LEXX) ; Expand string up to 3 characters
EXP(LEXX) ; Expand string
TRIM(LEXX) ; Trim string
TP(LEXX) ; Transposed letters
SCH(LEXX) ; Create $O variable

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^LEX(757.01 - [#757.01] TRIM+13, EXP+12, EXP+15, EXP+18, EXP+21, EXP+25, TP+12, TP+14

Label References

Name Line Occurrences
$$EXP EXP3+2
$$SCH EXP+15, EXP+20

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
LEXC EXP+13~, EXP+14*, EXP+16, EXP+17, EXP+23
LEXCK EXP+13~, EXP+20*, EXP+21*, EXP+22, EXP+23*
LEXF TRIM+8~*, TRIM+13*, EXP+13~, EXP+14*, EXP+15, EXP+18, EXP+24*, EXP+25, EXP+26, TP+9~*
, TP+10, TP+12*, TP+14*, TP+15, TP+16
LEXI TRIM+8~, TRIM+10*, EXP+13~, EXP+16*, EXP+17, EXP+19, EXP+22, EXP+23, TP+9~, TP+10*
, TP+11
LEXLTR EXP+13~, EXP+19*, EXP+22, EXP+23, EXP+24
LEXN TP+9~*, TP+11*, TP+12, TP+13, TP+14
LEXNT EXP+13~, EXP+15*, EXP+16, EXP+18*, EXP+19, EXP+20
LEXO TP+9~*, TP+16
LEXOK TRIM+8~*, TRIM+10, TRIM+12*, TRIM+13*, EXP+13~, EXP+14*, EXP+16, EXP+24*, EXP+25*
LEXOKL EXP+13~, EXP+20*, EXP+21, EXP+22*, EXP+24
LEXT TRIM+8~*, TRIM+11*, TRIM+12, TRIM+13, TRIM+14, EXP3+1~*, EXP3+2*, EXP3+3, TP+9~, TP+13*
, TP+14
LEXX TRIM~, TRIM+8, TRIM+9*, TRIM+10, TRIM+14*, TRIM+15, EXP3~, EXP3+1, EXP3+3*, EXP3+4
, EXP~, EXP+12, EXP+14, EXP+26*, TP~, TP+9, TP+10, TP+11, TP+15*, TP+16*
, TP+17, SCH~, SCH+4*, SCH+5
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