Prompt: !,"I will initialize various portions of the Lab cumulative package.",!,"Continue only if you want to start over with the cumulative.",!
Line Location: KILL+0
Function Call: READ
Prompt: "Do you want to continue? N// "
Formatting: !!
Timeout: 120
Variable: X
Line Location: KILL+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"O.K.",!!
Line Location: KILL+1
Function Call: READ
Prompt: "Initialize all page numbers? Y// "
Formatting: !!
Timeout: 120
Variable: X
Line Location: KILL+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,$C(7),"THE CUMULATIVE APPARENTLY HAS NOT FINISHED.",!,"Do NOT try to reprint reports that have not finished printing!",!,"TO MANUALLY RUN/RESTART CUMULATIVE USE THE OPTION LRAC MANUAL."