; LRFLD - documented at line tag PROV
; Y = value from data the should be entry in ^VA(200,Y))
; LRNAM is the externalization of the person/provider pointer from 16
; LRSB is an array with subscript identifiers LRSB(0) first level
; LRSB(1) second level ....
; reque task to print out exceptions
; X1 = Pointer value of data that pointed to FILE 16
; LRFLD = field number or if in a subfile subfile number,field number
; quits with the new value pointer from file 200 or logs an exception
; in ^XTMP("LR52","global root",LRJOB #,subscript 1,LRZD0,field number)
; =error and quits with the old value concantenated with "ERR"
; LRSB is an array that carries all subscripts from the file in
; which the conversion is being done.
Prompt: !!?(IOM-$L("**** none found ****"))\2,"**** NONE FOUND ****"
Line Location: REENT+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: @IOF
Line Location: REENT+5
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!!,"The value ("_+LRVL_") """_$P(LRVL,U,2)_""",",!,"in field "_LRTIT_", could not be repointed.",!,"This occured in: ",LRD0
Line Location: 11+6
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!!,"The value ("_+LRVL_") """_$P(LRVL,U,2)_""",",!,"in field "_LRTIT_", could not be repointed.",!,"This occured in: ",LRD0,!,"The "_LRSF_": subfile of """,LRSB,"""",?54,"entry: "_LRD1