Prompt: $C(7),!,"Code not entered in BLOOD PRODUCT file or not product label.",!
Line Location: P+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $C(7),!,"Either not an entry in BLOOD COMPONENT FILE (#66) or",!,"Must enter MAX AGE FOR PEDIATRIC USE field for the entry in file 66."
Line Location: P+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $C(7),!,$P(^DD(66,.22,0),U)," must be entered for this component",!,"and pediatric product selection must be an entry in the Blood Product file."
Line Location: P+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $C(7),!,$P(^DD(66,.23,0),U)," must be entered for this component"
Line Location: P+4
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $C(7),!!,"Must have WKLD codes entered in Blood Product file for ",$P(^LAB(66,LRO,0),U)
Line Location: P+6
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $C(7),!!,"Volume of component must be entered in BLOOD COMPONENT file",!?20,"for ",$P(Y,U,2),"."