Prompt: !!?2,"NURSE: Remove one copy and send to Pharmacy.",!!!!!,LN1,!?1,"VA FORM 10-1158",?21,"PROVIDER'S MEDICATION ORDERS",?53,"Printed: ",PSGOEPOD,!,LN1
Line Location: HEADER+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: @IOF
Condition for execution: $Y
Line Location: HEADER+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!?2,"NURSE: Remove one copy and send to Pharmacy.",!!!!!,LN1,!?1,"",?21,"PROVIDER'S MEDICATION ORDERS",?53,"Printed: ",PSGOEPOD,!,LN1
Line Location: HEADER+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !?3,"|Date/|",?33,"ORDERS",?58,"| | Nurse's",!,"No.|Time |Action",?19,"Check here if NO SUBSTITUTE allowed. ->",?58,"| | Signature",!,LN1