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Routine: PSGWI042


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PSGWI042 ; ; 04-JAN-1994
 ;;2.3; Automatic Replenishment/Ward Stock ;;4 JAN 94
 F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E  S @X=Y
 ;;=This option will "copy" the active stock entries from a selected
 ;;=Area of Use into one or more selected Areas.  As many as 10 Areas
 ;;=may be chosen for transfer at one time.  You may transfer either
 ;;=the drug name only, or the drug name, stock level, and location
 ;;=code.  The "copy" process will not copy inactive drugs or duplicate 
 ;;=entries.  The actual transfer takes place in a background job which
 ;;=is automatically queued.  When the transfer is complete, you will
 ;;=be notified by a MailMan message.
 ;;=PSGW SINGLE ITEM COST^Single Item Cost Report (80 column)^^R^^^^^^^^
 ;;=For a selected date range, this option gives total cost for a single
 ;;=item from one AOU, several AOUs, or ALL AOUs.
 ;;=PSGW EXPIRATION ENTER/EDIT^Expiration Date - Enter/Edit^^R^^^^^^^^
 ;;=This option will allow the entry of expiration dates for the items
 ;;=in an AOU.
 ;;=PSGW AOU INACTIVATION^Inactivate AOU^^R^^^^^^^^
 ;;=This option will allow the user to inactivate an AOU.  An Inactive
 ;;=Date may be in the future.
 ;;=PSGW WARD CONVERSION^Ward (For Item) Conversion^^R^^^^^^^^
 ;;=This option will enable a user to change the WARD (FOR ITEM) designation
 ;;=from the old ward to a new ward for all Items in all AOUs or a single AOU.
 ;;=This can be used, for example, when a ward is closed down for construction.
 ;;=A background job can be queued for a later time to do the conversion and
 ;;=a MailMan message will be sent to the person who queued the job when it
 ;;=has run to completion.
 ;;=PSGW DELETE INVENTORY^Delete Inventory Date/Time^^R^^^^^^^^
 ;;=This option will allow a user to delete an Inventory Sheet that has no
 ;;=entries in the Pharmacy AOU Stock file (#58.1), or in the Pharmacy
 ;;=Backorder file (#58.3).
 ;;=PSGW STOCK ITEM DATA^Print AR/WS Stock Item Data (132 column)^^R^^^^^^^^
 ;;=This option will print a listing of all ACTIVE items defined in 
 ;;=the Pharmacy AOU Stock file (#58.1) in alphabetical order.  The 
 ;;=report will show all AOUs that stock the item, stock levels,
 ;;=all Wards (For Item), all Types, and location.