- DRGINQ ;;Enter 'ADDITIVE' if you want to print information on the
- ;;IV ADDITIVE file or 'SOLUTION' to print information on the
- ;;IV SOLUTION file.
- ;;
- RNTBAT ;;Enter the # that corresponds to the suspended labels
- ;;that you wish to reprint.
- ;;
- RESWL ;;Answer 'Y' if you want to reset the ward list. You should only
- ;;be using this option if you have accidently run the ward list for
- ;;the coverage times you have entered.
- ;;
- OPUR ;;If you do not want to purge this IV order that you have chosen
- ;;enter an '^', 'N' or the RETURN key. If you want to purge the
- ;;IV order that you have chosen enter a 'Y'.
- ;;
- UWL ;;The # that is shown as a default will be the # that
- ;;will appear on the manufacturing list. To update this #
- ;;type the correct # of doses that should appear on the
- ;;manufacturing list. If an order has been Dc'd, purged or put on
- ;;'HOLD' status, it will not appear on the update ward list option.
- ;;>>> NOTE <<<
- ;;You may also DC = DC order, H = HOLD order or O = put order ON CALL.
- ;;
- ONUWL ;;Type the order # for this patient that you wish to update.
- ;;This # can be found on the ward list under the patients
- ;;name. The # in the symbol [#] is the order #.
- ;;
- YNPRG ;;If you are sure you want to start the purge, answer 'Y'.
- ;;If you want to cancel the purge, enter an '^' or 'N'.
- ;;
- NCILBL ;;If you want the labels that you are about to print to be
- ;;counted into the daily cost reports, answer 'Y'. If you are
- ;;reprinting labels and don't want the labels to be counted
- ;;as daily usage, enter 'N'.
- ;;
- PRTVW ;;If you want a view of the order printed to a printer before it
- ;;is purged, enter 'Y'. If a printed view of the order is not
- ;;needed, enter 'N'.
- ;;
- PRTAVW ;;If you want a view of the order's activity log printed to a printer
- ;;before it is purged, enter 'Y'. If a printed view of the activity
- ;;log is not needed, enter 'N'.
- ;;
- NOL ;;Enter the # of labels that you wish to print. You may only
- ;;print 1-10 labels at a time.
- ;;
- SUSRPT ;;If you want this report printed to the printer that you selected
- ;;when entering into the IV PACKAGE, enter 'Y'. Enter 'N' to have
- ;;this report printed to this device.
- ;;
- PRORPT1 ;;To have an activity log printed with each view of an order,
- ;;enter a 'Y'. If an activity log is not needed with each view, enter
- ;;an 'N'.
- ;;
- ADMYN ;;Since this patient has not been admitted into the hospital, you
- ;;will be entering IV ORDERS as 'Outpatient IVs'. If you want to
- ;;continue with order entry, answer 'Y'. If you do not want
- ;;to enter the orders as 'Outpatient IV' orders, answer 'N'.
- ;;
- RTDS ;;If bottles for this order were returned for
- ;;recycling, enter 'R'. If the bottles for this order that were
- ;;returned are going to be destroyed, enter 'D'.
- ;;Enter 'C' for cancelled I.E. labels printed but IV's were not made.
- ;;
- PROFL ;;Enter an 'S' to see only active IV ORDERS, 'L' to see all IV ORDERS
- ;;or an 'N' to see no profile of IV ORDERS.
- ;;
- LBSUSD ;;Enter the order # for which labels should be deleted.
- ;;More than one may be deleted by separating order #'s by ",".
- ;;Enter "ALL" to delete all suspended labels for the patient."
- ;;
- PROVRP ;;Enter the name of the Provider (last name, first name) or
- ;;^ALL to capture data for all Providers
- ;;
- DRGCST ;;Enter drug name, ^ALL (all drugs), ^NON (non-formulary drugs),
- ;;^CAT (category of drugs you have set up in the category file)
- ;;^VADC (va class codes), or ^HIGH (high/low cost- drug cost report only)
- ;;
- WARD ;;Enter a specific Ward name for which data should be captured
- ;;or ^ALL to capture data for all WARDS or ^OUTPATIENT to capture
- ;;data for only the outpatient ward.
- ;;
- PATQ ;;Respond "Y" to capture cost and units dispensed
- ;;for each patient that has received drug(s) selected.
- ;;
- AORS ;;To edit the unit cost of a drug, you must first indicate if the
- ;;drug is an ADDITIVE (enter "A") or a SOLUTION (enter "S").
- ;;
- ;;
- +2 WRITE !
- +3 WRITE !
- DRGINQ ;;Enter 'ADDITIVE' if you want to print information on the
- +1 ;;IV ADDITIVE file or 'SOLUTION' to print information on the
- +2 ;;IV SOLUTION file.
- +3 ;;
- RNTBAT ;;Enter the # that corresponds to the suspended labels
- +1 ;;that you wish to reprint.
- +2 ;;
- RESWL ;;Answer 'Y' if you want to reset the ward list. You should only
- +1 ;;be using this option if you have accidently run the ward list for
- +2 ;;the coverage times you have entered.
- +3 ;;
- OPUR ;;If you do not want to purge this IV order that you have chosen
- +1 ;;enter an '^', 'N' or the RETURN key. If you want to purge the
- +2 ;;IV order that you have chosen enter a 'Y'.
- +3 ;;
- UWL ;;The # that is shown as a default will be the # that
- +1 ;;will appear on the manufacturing list. To update this #
- +2 ;;type the correct # of doses that should appear on the
- +3 ;;manufacturing list. If an order has been Dc'd, purged or put on
- +4 ;;'HOLD' status, it will not appear on the update ward list option.
- +5 ;;>>> NOTE <<<
- +6 ;;You may also DC = DC order, H = HOLD order or O = put order ON CALL.
- +7 ;;
- ONUWL ;;Type the order # for this patient that you wish to update.
- +1 ;;This # can be found on the ward list under the patients
- +2 ;;name. The # in the symbol [#] is the order #.
- +3 ;;
- YNPRG ;;If you are sure you want to start the purge, answer 'Y'.
- +1 ;;If you want to cancel the purge, enter an '^' or 'N'.
- +2 ;;
- NCILBL ;;If you want the labels that you are about to print to be
- +1 ;;counted into the daily cost reports, answer 'Y'. If you are
- +2 ;;reprinting labels and don't want the labels to be counted
- +3 ;;as daily usage, enter 'N'.
- +4 ;;
- PRTVW ;;If you want a view of the order printed to a printer before it
- +1 ;;is purged, enter 'Y'. If a printed view of the order is not
- +2 ;;needed, enter 'N'.
- +3 ;;
- PRTAVW ;;If you want a view of the order's activity log printed to a printer
- +1 ;;before it is purged, enter 'Y'. If a printed view of the activity
- +2 ;;log is not needed, enter 'N'.
- +3 ;;
- NOL ;;Enter the # of labels that you wish to print. You may only
- +1 ;;print 1-10 labels at a time.
- +2 ;;
- SUSRPT ;;If you want this report printed to the printer that you selected
- +1 ;;when entering into the IV PACKAGE, enter 'Y'. Enter 'N' to have
- +2 ;;this report printed to this device.
- +3 ;;
- PRORPT1 ;;To have an activity log printed with each view of an order,
- +1 ;;enter a 'Y'. If an activity log is not needed with each view, enter
- +2 ;;an 'N'.
- +3 ;;
- ADMYN ;;Since this patient has not been admitted into the hospital, you
- +1 ;;will be entering IV ORDERS as 'Outpatient IVs'. If you want to
- +2 ;;continue with order entry, answer 'Y'. If you do not want
- +3 ;;to enter the orders as 'Outpatient IV' orders, answer 'N'.
- +4 ;;
- RTDS ;;If bottles for this order were returned for
- +1 ;;recycling, enter 'R'. If the bottles for this order that were
- +2 ;;returned are going to be destroyed, enter 'D'.
- +3 ;;Enter 'C' for cancelled I.E. labels printed but IV's were not made.
- +4 ;;
- PROFL ;;Enter an 'S' to see only active IV ORDERS, 'L' to see all IV ORDERS
- +1 ;;or an 'N' to see no profile of IV ORDERS.
- +2 ;;
- LBSUSD ;;Enter the order # for which labels should be deleted.
- +1 ;;More than one may be deleted by separating order #'s by ",".
- +2 ;;Enter "ALL" to delete all suspended labels for the patient."
- +3 ;;
- PROVRP ;;Enter the name of the Provider (last name, first name) or
- +1 ;;^ALL to capture data for all Providers
- +2 ;;
- DRGCST ;;Enter drug name, ^ALL (all drugs), ^NON (non-formulary drugs),
- +1 ;;^CAT (category of drugs you have set up in the category file)
- +2 ;;^VADC (va class codes), or ^HIGH (high/low cost- drug cost report only)
- +3 ;;
- WARD ;;Enter a specific Ward name for which data should be captured
- +1 ;;or ^ALL to capture data for all WARDS or ^OUTPATIENT to capture
- +2 ;;data for only the outpatient ward.
- +3 ;;
- PATQ ;;Respond "Y" to capture cost and units dispensed
- +1 ;;for each patient that has received drug(s) selected.
- +2 ;;
- AORS ;;To edit the unit cost of a drug, you must first indicate if the
- +1 ;;drug is an ADDITIVE (enter "A") or a SOLUTION (enter "S").
- +2 ;;
- +3 ;;