- ;
- ACTHLP ; Display action line help.
- W !,"You may take the following action on this order:",!!
- N X F X="DC","E","H","L","O","R","S" I DIR(0)[(X_":") W $P($T(@X),";",3),!
- Q
- VIEW ;;Enter the #(s) of the orders, that you wish to view, separated by commas.
- ;;ex. '1,2,5' or '1'
- ;;
- OK ;;Enter 'Y' if the order has been correctly entered or 'N' to edit the
- ;;order. To DELETE the order enter an '^'.
- ;;*** NOTE: If the order has been incorrectly entered, a 'Y' cannot be entered.
- ;;
- NEWORD ;;Enter a 'Y' to enter a new order for this patient or 'N' to select
- ;;another patient name.
- ;;
- CHSE ;;Choose the #(s) of the order(s) that you wish to view (ex. '1' or '1,2,5'),
- ;;or enter 'A' to view Allergies/Adverse Reactions.
- ;;
- DC ;;== DC == Discontinue order.
- O ;;== O == Put order on 'On Call' status or remove order from 'On Call' status.
- E ;;== E == Edit the order.
- R ;;== R == Renew the order, or Reinstate if the order was auto-discontinued.
- H ;;== H == Put order on Hold or remove order from Hold status.
- S ;;== S == Show (view) the order. Brings the order back to the screen.
- L ;;== L == Look at the activity log 'AND' label log.
- A ;;== A == View Allergies and/or Adverse Drug Reactions.
- ;;
- ACTLOG ;;Enter 'Y' to view the activity log or 'N' <RETURN> if you do
- ;;not want to see the activity log.
- ;;
- SUSL ;;Enter the # of labels you wish to suspend for this order.
- ;;You may only suspend 10 labels at a time.
- ;;
- SUSC ;;Choose the #(s) of the order(s) that you with to suspend.
- ;;(Ex. '1' or '1,2,3')
- ;;
- ASKMAN ;;Enter the #(s) of the manufacturing time(s) that you wish to
- ;;run. If you want to run the manufacturing times for #1 and #2
- ;;enter '1,2'.
- ;;
- ;;NOTE --> If you pick two of the same manufacturing types (Two
- ;; Adm. or Two PB's) the first will be ignored and the
- ;; second one entered will be run !!!
- ;;
- UWL ;;Enter a date, without time, that corresponds to the date that
- ;;the ward list was run. Example: If you ran a ward list for
- ;;today and you want to edit that ward list ... Enter 'T' or
- ;;<RETURN>.
- ;;
- MLL ;;Enter a date, without time, that corresponds to the date that
- ;;the ward list was run. Example: If you ran a ward list for
- ;;today and you want to print the Manufacturing List for that ward
- ;;list enter 'T' or <RETURN>.
- ;;
- LBL1 ;;Enter a date, without time, that corresponds to the date that
- ;;the ward list was run. Example: If you ran a ward list for
- ;;today and you want to run the schedule labels from that ward
- ;;list or manufacturing list ... Enter a 'T' or <RETURN>.
- ;;
- PURGE ;;Enter a date that you wish to stop the purge. For example,
- ;;if you want to purge IV orders that are at least 40 days old ...
- ;;enter 'T-40'.
- ;;
- ANSWER ;; P - Print specified # of labels now
- ;; S - Suspend specified # of labels for IV ROOM to print on demand.
- ;; (ONLY available if site parameter is enabled for suspense)
- ;; B or ^ - Bypass any more action
- ;;
- ;;Enter one of the actions above. You may perform more than one action
- ;;but they must be done, one at a time. As each action is taken that
- ;;operates on labels, the total labels will be reduced by that amount.
- ;;
- ;; i.e. 8 labels needed - Suspend 3 then 5 are available to print
- ;;
- ;; NOTE: Valid actions are displayed in parenthesis after 'Action' prompt.
- ;;
- PRORPT ;; If you want a view of each order on the profile enter a 'Y'.
- ;; If you just want a listing of the patient's profile without a view
- ;; of each order enter a 'N'.
- ;;
- RNL ;; You will enter the beginning date and ending date of the renewal list.
- ;; Ex. If you want to know what orders will expire from noon today to
- ;; noon tomorrow ... enter 'T@1200' as the beginning date and
- ;; 'T+1@1200' as the ending date.
- ;;
- ALGN ;; Answer yes if the label alignment is OK. Enter no if you wish to
- ;; re-align the labels again.
- ;;
- ;;
- REDT ;;Enter a # between -10 and 10. If returns/destroyed were entered
- ;;in error, a '-' preceding the # will remove the returns/destroyed
- ;;for you.
- +2 WRITE !
- +3 WRITE !
- +4 ;
- ACTHLP ; Display action line help.
- +1 WRITE !,"You may take the following action on this order:",!!
- +2 NEW X
- FOR X="DC","E","H","L","O","R","S"
- IF DIR(0)[(X_":")
- WRITE $PIECE($TEXT(@X),";",3),!
- +3 QUIT
- VIEW ;;Enter the #(s) of the orders, that you wish to view, separated by commas.
- +1 ;;ex. '1,2,5' or '1'
- +2 ;;
- OK ;;Enter 'Y' if the order has been correctly entered or 'N' to edit the
- +1 ;;order. To DELETE the order enter an '^'.
- +2 ;;*** NOTE: If the order has been incorrectly entered, a 'Y' cannot be entered.
- +3 ;;
- NEWORD ;;Enter a 'Y' to enter a new order for this patient or 'N' to select
- +1 ;;another patient name.
- +2 ;;
- CHSE ;;Choose the #(s) of the order(s) that you wish to view (ex. '1' or '1,2,5'),
- +1 ;;or enter 'A' to view Allergies/Adverse Reactions.
- +2 ;;
- DC ;;== DC == Discontinue order.
- O ;;== O == Put order on 'On Call' status or remove order from 'On Call' status.
- E ;;== E == Edit the order.
- R ;;== R == Renew the order, or Reinstate if the order was auto-discontinued.
- H ;;== H == Put order on Hold or remove order from Hold status.
- S ;;== S == Show (view) the order. Brings the order back to the screen.
- L ;;== L == Look at the activity log 'AND' label log.
- A ;;== A == View Allergies and/or Adverse Drug Reactions.
- +1 ;;
- ACTLOG ;;Enter 'Y' to view the activity log or 'N' <RETURN> if you do
- +1 ;;not want to see the activity log.
- +2 ;;
- SUSL ;;Enter the # of labels you wish to suspend for this order.
- +1 ;;You may only suspend 10 labels at a time.
- +2 ;;
- SUSC ;;Choose the #(s) of the order(s) that you with to suspend.
- +1 ;;(Ex. '1' or '1,2,3')
- +2 ;;
- ASKMAN ;;Enter the #(s) of the manufacturing time(s) that you wish to
- +1 ;;run. If you want to run the manufacturing times for #1 and #2
- +2 ;;enter '1,2'.
- +3 ;;
- +4 ;;NOTE --> If you pick two of the same manufacturing types (Two
- +5 ;; Adm. or Two PB's) the first will be ignored and the
- +6 ;; second one entered will be run !!!
- +7 ;;
- UWL ;;Enter a date, without time, that corresponds to the date that
- +1 ;;the ward list was run. Example: If you ran a ward list for
- +2 ;;today and you want to edit that ward list ... Enter 'T' or
- +3 ;;<RETURN>.
- +4 ;;
- MLL ;;Enter a date, without time, that corresponds to the date that
- +1 ;;the ward list was run. Example: If you ran a ward list for
- +2 ;;today and you want to print the Manufacturing List for that ward
- +3 ;;list enter 'T' or <RETURN>.
- +4 ;;
- LBL1 ;;Enter a date, without time, that corresponds to the date that
- +1 ;;the ward list was run. Example: If you ran a ward list for
- +2 ;;today and you want to run the schedule labels from that ward
- +3 ;;list or manufacturing list ... Enter a 'T' or <RETURN>.
- +4 ;;
- PURGE ;;Enter a date that you wish to stop the purge. For example,
- +1 ;;if you want to purge IV orders that are at least 40 days old ...
- +2 ;;enter 'T-40'.
- +3 ;;
- ANSWER ;; P - Print specified # of labels now
- +1 ;; S - Suspend specified # of labels for IV ROOM to print on demand.
- +2 ;; (ONLY available if site parameter is enabled for suspense)
- +3 ;; B or ^ - Bypass any more action
- +4 ;;
- +5 ;;Enter one of the actions above. You may perform more than one action
- +6 ;;but they must be done, one at a time. As each action is taken that
- +7 ;;operates on labels, the total labels will be reduced by that amount.
- +8 ;;
- +9 ;; i.e. 8 labels needed - Suspend 3 then 5 are available to print
- +10 ;;
- +11 ;; NOTE: Valid actions are displayed in parenthesis after 'Action' prompt.
- +12 ;;
- PRORPT ;; If you want a view of each order on the profile enter a 'Y'.
- +1 ;; If you just want a listing of the patient's profile without a view
- +2 ;; of each order enter a 'N'.
- +3 ;;
- RNL ;; You will enter the beginning date and ending date of the renewal list.
- +1 ;; Ex. If you want to know what orders will expire from noon today to
- +2 ;; noon tomorrow ... enter 'T@1200' as the beginning date and
- +3 ;; 'T+1@1200' as the ending date.
- +4 ;;
- ALGN ;; Answer yes if the label alignment is OK. Enter no if you wish to
- +1 ;; re-align the labels again.
- +2 ;;
- +3 ;;
- REDT ;;Enter a # between -10 and 10. If returns/destroyed were entered
- +1 ;;in error, a '-' preceding the # will remove the returns/destroyed
- +2 ;;for you.