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Routine: PSJAI002


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PSJAI002 ; ; 20-MAR-1996
 ;;4.5;Inpatient Medications;**27**;OCT 07, 1994
 Q:'DIFQ(59.5)  F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E  S @X=Y
 ;;=This number is used when the stop date of a new order is computed.
 ;;=In other words, if Large Volume IV's are good for 14 days and a new 
 ;;=order is input with a start date of today, the stop date will be 'T+14'.
 ;;=Enter a '1' to stop all IV orders automatically on the same day.
 ;;=The day the orders are stopped will be the 'STOP DATE' of the
 ;;=FIRST ACTIVE IV order found in the file.  The stop/date that is
 ;;=found will be shown as a default for the stop/date of the IV ORDER.
 ;;=This only affects orders of patients transferring BETWEEN WARDS,
 ;;=and NOT transferring BETWEEN SERVICES.  Enter a '1' if you want
 ;;=this feature.
 ;;=** This is effective only for ward transfers not for transfers across
 ;;=   services !
 ;;=HEADER LABEL^S^0:NO;1:YES;^1;7^Q
 ;;=When set to "YES", an extra label is generated to record lot #'s and 
 ;;=provide a record for new orders entered since the last printing of the 
 ;;=active order list. This extra label, together with the active order list 
 ;;=provides a paper backup system in the event that the computer system 
 ;;=becomes "unavailable" to the user.
 ;;=The 'ACTIVITY RULER' provides a visual representation of the relationship
 ;;=between coverage times, doses due and order start times.  The intent
 ;;=is to provide the 'on-the-floor' user with a means of 'tracking' activity
 ;;=in the IV room and determining when to call for doses before the normal
 ;;=The patient's 'WARD LOCATION' is ALWAYS printed on the IV label.
 ;;=If the 'BED LOCATION' is available, and if it is desired to have
 ;;=this ADDITIONAL information on the IV label, respond with a 'Y' or
 ;;=a '1' at this 'IV ROOM' parameter prompt.
 ;;=*SHOW UNIT NEEDS^S^0:NO;1:YES;^1;10^Q
 ;;=If this parameter is turned on, a visual 'time scale' will be shown.
 ;;=This time scale will show what the orders' unit needs will be for 14
 ;;=24-hour periods.
 ;;=   If an order was given with an infusion rate of 220 ml/hr and a total
 ;;=   volume of 1000 ML, the unit needs would be:
 ;;=DAY  :  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14
 ;;=UNIT :  5   5   5   6   5   5   6   5   5   5   6   5   5   6
 ;;=HYPERAL GOOD FOR HOW MANY DAYS^NJ5,2^^1;17^K:+X'=X!(X>31)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."3N.N) X