; Print the label.
; Input: RX -- Pointer to the prescription in file #52
; PSOLAP -- Label printer
; PSOSITE -- Pointer to the Pharmacy in file #59
; DUZ -- Pointer to the use in file #200
; PSOTRAMT -- Amount to be paid
; Extract Rx information for transmission to FI
; Input: ORIG -- Pointer to the rx in file #52
; REF -- Pointer to the refill in file #52.1
; (This is 0 if we are billing the original fill)
; PSOV -- Passed by reference. This array will be used
; to return the output (described below).
; Output: PSOE -- This is normally 1, or -1 if the NDC cannot
; be determined.
; Should this rx be billed to the CHAMPUS Fiscal Intermediary?
; Input: ORIG -- Pointer to the rx in file #52
; REF -- Pointer to the refill in file #52.1, or
; 0 for the original fill
; Output: PSOB -- 0 => The rx should not be billed
; 1 => The rx may be billed.