PXBGSK ;ISL/PKR - Gather skin test data. Follow the convention established by PXBGCPT. ;7/24/96 14:01
Source file <PXBGSK.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
SK(VISIT) | ;Gather the entries in the V Skin Test file.
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
EN^DIQ1 | SK+17 |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^AUPNVSK("AD" | SK+4, SK+6 |
^TMP("PXBU" | SK+3!, SK+7*, SK+10, SK+12, SK+39! |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
DA | SK+1~, SK+14*, SK+18, SK+19, SK+20, SK+21, SK+22, SK+23, SK+24 |
DATEREAD | SK+9~, SK+22*, SK+25 |
DIC | SK+1~, SK+14* |
DIQ | SK+1~, SK+16* |
DIQ(0 | SK+16* |
DR | SK+1~, SK+15* |
ENCDT | SK+9~, SK+23*, SK+25 |
ENCPRV | SK+9~, SK+24*, SK+25 |
IEN | SK+1~, SK+5*, SK+6*, SK+7, SK+11*, SK+12*, SK+14, SK+25, SK+32*, SK+33* , SK+35, SK+36, SK+37 |
PATIENT | SK+9~, SK+19*, SK+25 |
PXBC | SK+27~, SK+28*, SK+34*, SK+36, SK+37, SK+40 |
>> PXBCNT | SK+40* |
>> PXBKY( | SK+35* |
>> PXBSAM( | SK+36* |
>> PXBSKY( | SK+37* |
READING | SK+9~, SK+21*, SK+25 |
RESULT | SK+9~, SK+20*, SK+25 |
SERIES | SK+9~ |
SKINTEST | SK+9~, SK+29 |
SKINTEST( | SK+25*, SK+31, SK+33, SK+35, SK+36, SK+37 |
SKT | SK+9~, SK+18*, SK+25, SK+30*, SK+31*, SK+33, SK+35, SK+36, SK+37 |
TEMP | SK+9~, SK+13! |
TEMP( | SK+18, SK+19, SK+20, SK+21, SK+22, SK+23, SK+24 |
U | SK+25 |
VISIT | SK~, SK+4, SK+6 |