; invalid action message called from the schedule/cancel or hold
; request options.
; X -> point of orgin (option) X1 -> procedure name
; Called from: CZECH subroutine
; kill miscellaneous variables
; validate order data, i.e, has OE/RR order # and the site is running
; a version of OE/RR > 2.5 Called from: 2^RAORD, 3^RAORD & 4^RAORD
;Delete the skeleton report and pointer from Rad Pt file to
; report if user has not entered any report data (i.e. user ^'d out
; of report entry/edit after the system created a skeleton record).
; If the report is deleted, a bulletin will not be generated!
; check if an order can be cancelled, held, or scheduled.
; Y -> ien of the Rad/Nuc Med Orders file.
; Y1 -> if OE/RR > 2.5 & no order number: 1, else 0
; Called from: VALORD subroutine
; Determine if the ordered procedure is
; different from the registered procedure.
; Input Variables: RADFN-Patient DFN
; RADTI-inverse DT of exam (if exists)
; RACNI-IEN on the case node (if exists)
; RAOIFN-IEN of the order
; Output: null-procedures don't differ -OR- no order/exam
; not null-ordered proc_"^"_registered proc data
; registered procedure data includes imaging type, procedure
; type and CPT codes (if any)