; -- activate a team (add if need be)
; input:
; SCTMNM = External Value of Team Name
; SCFIELDA= similar to above -used for history entries (404.58)
; SCMAINA = array of extra field entries - scfielda('fld#')=value
; -Note: Only used if BRAND NEW TEAM - team fields (404.51)
; SCEFF = date to activate [default=DT]
; SCERR = array NAME to store error messages.
; [ex. ^TMP("ORXX",$J)]
; activate team from internal entry#
; input:
; SCTM = Pointer to Team File (#404.51)
; SCFIELDA= array of extra field entries for history entries (404.58)
; SCEFF = date to activate [default=DT]
; SCERR = array NAME to store error messages.
; [ex. ^TMP("ORXX",$J)]