Prompt: @IOF,!,SRLINE,!,?20,"Update Site Configurable Surgery Files",!,SRLINE
Line Location: DISPLAY+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"1. Surgery Transportation Devices",!,"2. Prosthesis",!,"3. Surgery Positions",!,"4. Restraints and Positional Aids"
Line Location: DISPLAY+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"5. Surgical Delay",!,"6. Monitors",!,"7. Irrigations",!,"8. Surgery Replacement Fluids",!,"9. Surgery Cancellation Reasons",!,"10. Skin Prep Agents",!,"11. Skin Integrity",!,"12. Patient Mood"
Line Location: DISPLAY+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"13. Patient Consciousness",!,"14. Local Surgical Specialty",!,"15. Electroground Positions",!,"16. Surgery Dispositions",!,SRLINE
Line Location: DISPLAY+3
Function Call: READ
Timeout: DTIME
Variable: SRFILE
Line Location: ASK+0
Function Call: READ
Timeout: DTIME
Variable: X
Line Location: ASK+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"Enter the number corresponding to the file you want to edit.",!!,"Press RETURN to continue "
Line Location: ASK+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: @IOF,!,"Update Information in the "_SRFNM_" file.",!,SRLINE
Line Location: ASK+4
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!
Line Location: ENTRY+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: @IOF
Line Location: END+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"Enter the number corresponding to the file that you want to update. For",!,"example, enter ""8"" to enter, edit, or delete information contained in",!,"the Surgery Replacement Fluids file."
Line Location: HELP+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"NOTE: File entries you do not want to use should be made inactive and",!,?7,"should NOT be deleted."