Prompt: !!!," *** RESULTS: TIU Document File - Update Parent Document Type ***",!
Line Location: ZZUP1+7
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"The following titles have documents but are orphan Titles. Please make sure you",!,"own each title. Then add them to the hierarchy using option Edit Document"
Line Location: ZZUP1+10
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Definitions, action Items for the desired parent, action Add/Create. Then",!,"update each title, using action Update Documents (under action Copy/Move)."
Line Location: ZZUP1+11
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"If needed, this list can be found in ^XTMP(""TIUFZZ8P"",TITLEDA).",!
Prompt: !!,"The following titles have documents that were not able to be updated. Please",!,"update them, using regular Document Definition action Update Documents"
Line Location: ZZUP1+16
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"(under action Copy/Move) for each listed title. If needed, this list can be",!,"found in ^XTMP(""TIUFZZ8"",TITLEDA).",!