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Routine: XBHEDD13


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XBHEDD13 ;402,DJB,5/1/90,EDD - Help Text 2
 ;;2.6;IHS UTILITIES;;JUN 28, 1993
 ;;David Bolduc - Togus, ME
 ;;Called by XBHEDD1
 W @IOF,!?5,"INPUT",?20,"EFFECT",!?5,"=======",?20,"========================================================="
 W !?2,"1.",?7,"""^""",?20,"Causes an exit back to the Main Menu."
 W !!?2,"2.",?7,"""B""",?20,"Backs up to previous screen."
 W !!?2,"3.",?7,"""n""",?20,"Typing a number here allows you to jump to that screen."
 W !?20,"In the lower right hand corner of the screen, you will"
 W !?20,"see 2 numbers: TOP and CUR. TOP is the highest screen"
 W !?20,"you have <RETURNED> to. CUR is the current screen"
 W !?20,"you are viewing. You can only jump between the first and"
 W !?20,"TOP screen. As an example, if you selected the ""FIELD"
 W !?20,"Global Location"" option and then hit <RETURN> 6 times,"
 W !?20,"TOP would be equal to 6 and CUR would be equal to 6."
 W !?20,"Now you can jump to any screen between 1 and 6."
 W !?20,"If you entered a ""2"" and <RETURN>, you would jump"
 W !?20,"to screen 2. TOP would still be equal to 6 but CUR"
 W !?20,"would now be 2. If you then hit ""B"" to back up 1 screen,"
 W !?20,"TOP would be 6 and CUR would be 1. If you now"
 W !?20,"wanted to return to TOP (screen 6) you would type a ""6"""
 R !!?2,"<RETURN> to continue, ""^"" to quit: ",Z1:DTIME S:'$T Z1="^" I Z1="^" S FLAG="QUIT" Q
 W @IOF,!?5,"INPUT",?20,"EFFECT",!?5,"=======",?20,"========================================================="
 W !?20,"and this page would now be displayed. TOP and CUR would"
 W !?20,"both be equal to 6 again."
 W !!?2,"4.",?7,"""I""",?20,"""I"" allows you to zoom in on an individual field. It"
 W !?20,"prompts you for a field and then gives you the Individual"
 W !?20,"FIELD Summary for that field. When using ""I"", you"
 W !?20,"must start at the top of the multiple. For example, if"
 W !?20,"you were looking at the Patient file and you had selected"
 W !?20,"""Admission Date"" as the starting point for FIELD Global"
 W !?20,"Location and you <RETURNED> thru 2 screens, you would see"
 W !?20,"the field Treating Specialty. To view the Individual"
 W !?20,"FIELD Summary for this field you would have to first"
 W !?20,"select Admission Date and then Treating Specialty. This"
 W !?20,"is made easier by the design of the FIELD Global Location"
 W !?20,"screens. Each layer of multiple fields is preceeded by"
 W !?20,"dashes that indicated their level. You trace these dashes"
 W !?20,"back to locate the starting point for each layer."
 W !?20,"You can also use the ""Trace a Field"" option."
 R !!?2,"Hit any key to continue: ",Z1:DTIME S FLAG="QUIT" Q