; Kill variables used across routines
; XM - Debug: Write all xactions to screen, too? ""=no; "D"=yes
; XMB("SCR IEN") - Script IEN
; XMB("SCR REC") - Script record
; XMC("AUDIT") - Are we auditing? 0=no; n=yes, where n is 1 to 99
; XMC("BATCH") - Batch mode (to tape or global)? 0=no; 1=yes
; XMC("DIR") - Current direction of transmission? S=sending; R=receiving
; XMC("HELO RECV") - Name of site we are receiving message from
; XMC("HELO SEND") - Name of site we are sending message to
; XMC("C","R") - # chars rcvd this session
; XMC("C","S") - # chars sent this session
; XMC("L") - # lines xmited (rcvd & sent) this session
; XMC("R") - # msgs rcvd this session
; XMC("S") - # msgs sent this session
; XMC("MAILMAN") - MailMan version # of remote site, when communicating
; with another MailMan site, version > 4
; XMC("SHOW TRAN") - ["S"= Write the 'send' line to the screen
; ["R"= Write the 'receive' line to the screen
; XMC("START") - timestamp at start of xmit session
; XMC("TALKMODE") - Are we in talk mode? 0=no; 1=yes
; XMC("TURN") - Have we turned already? 0=no; 1=yes
; XMCHAN - Before GET^XML: Name of Comm Protocol (file 3.4) channel
; After GET^XML: IEN of Comm Protocol (file 3.4) channel
; XMCLOSE - Xecute this variable to close the channel (file 3.4,field 4)
; XMHOST - IP address
; XMINST - IEN of Domain (file 4.2) being communicated with
; XMLINE - Tracks line number when dumping msgs to/reading from tape
; XMPROT - Name of Communications Protocol (file 3.4) channel
; XMOPEN - Xecute this variable to open the channel (file 3.4,field 3)
; XMREC - Xecute this variable to receive a line (file 3.4,field 2)
; XMRG - The line received
; XMRPORT - Port # used
; XMSEN - Xecute this variable to send a line (file 3.4,field 1)
; XMSG - The line to send
; XMSITE - Name of Domain (file 4.2) being communicated with
; XMTASK - Tracks IEN in 4.281 when dumping msgs to/reading from tape
; XMTRAN - A line to display on the screen by TRAN^XMC1
; XMOS - Operating System of the computer at this site