; The user has access to the message. Now what may the user do with it?
; in:
; XMDUZ = the user
; XMK = basket IEN if message is in a basket
; = ! if super search (option XM SUPER SEARCH)
; = 0 otherwise
; XMZ = the message IEN
; The following are set by INMSG1 and INMSG2^XMXUTIL2
; XMIM("FROM") = piece 2 of the message's zero node
; XMINSTR = special instructions
; XMIU("IEN") = the user's IEN in the message's recipient multiple
; XMQDNUM = 0 - set XMOPT(<opt>,"?")=dialog text (default)
; 1 - set XMOPT(<opt>,"?")=dialog number (all are TYPE: ERROR)
; FYI, XMOPT(<opt>,"?") is displayed in SHOWERR^XMJDIR.
; out:
; XMOPT(<opt>) Possible options
; '$D(XMOPT(<opt>,"?")) User may do these things.
; $D(XMOPT(<opt>,"?")) User may NOT do these things.