This file contains a number of the abbreviations used to indicate the type of error encountered. The most important ones are those which are indicated as fatal errors warranting termination of the job after logging of the error.
HELP-PROMPT: This entry indicates the type of error represented to provide some indication of whether continuation would be feasible.
This field attempts to indicate the primary responsibility for an error, such as hardware, or software, since this affects the extent of recoverability from an error.
This field is used to mark errors that should be screened in one way or another. If blank show and record error, 1 record but don't show in XTER in default mode, 2 don't record.
1)= S ^%ZTER(2,"AC",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^%ZTER(2,"AC",$E(X,1,30),DA)
3)= Used by XTER.
This X-ref is used by XTER and %ZTER to screen out the recording and display of errors.
HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 1-50 characters in length.
DESCRIPTION: If you need to screen errors on text that can not be placed in the .01 field than use a local name for the .01 and enter the real screening text in this field. This field will allow ^ and other characters that cannot be