This file stores the definitions of the items from which health summary flowsheets can be built, including the MUMPS code necessary to extract a value to display and the "type" of item within a heterogeneous file (e.g., measurement type, lab test type, etc.).
INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>30!(X?.N)!($L(X)<3)!'(X'?1P.E) X
HELP-PROMPT: NAME must be 3-30 characters beginning with an alphabetic
This field contains the name of an item which may appear in the definition of a flowsheet (see the HEALTH SUMMARY FLOWSHEET file). Each item represents a class of data (e. g., MEDICATION represents medication data).
HELP-PROMPT: Select a file which defines the elements for this flowchart item
This field specifies (points to) the file which contains instances of the data class represented by the flowsheet item. For example, if the item is MEDICATION, the ITEM SELECTION FILE is the DRUG file.
HELP-PROMPT: Select the file which contains the patient data for this item
This field specifies (points to) the file in which PCC stores uses of the data class represented by the flowsheet item. For example, if the item is MEDICATION, the DATA FILE is V MEDICATION.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the MUMPS code required to extract the value given DA=file dfn
DESCRIPTION: This field contains MUMPS code which returns a value to be displayed as part of a flowsheet. For example, if the item is MEDICATION, the code returns the concatenation of the drug name, the number dispensed, the
instructions (sig), and date discontinued (if any).
NOTE: This field may only be entered by users with programmer privileges. The variable DA will contain the internal entry number of the relevant V-file entry.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter standard MUMPS code which will return the item type in X
This field contains MUMPS code which returns the "value" (usually a pointer) which is compared to the list of instances of the data class to be displayed (if entered in the flowsheet definition).