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Contracts and Grants-->Commitment Register |  Commitment Register-->Contracts and Grants |  All
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Contracts and Grants : Commitment Register

Contracts and Grants and Commitment Register Interaction Details


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

protocol O screenman SM broker B event driver Ed print P extended action Ea limited protocol LP edit E server Se subscriber Su inquire I run routine RR action A

Contracts and Grants-->Commitment Register :

Total 0 routine(s) in Contracts and Grants called total 0 routine(s) in Commitment Register
Total 0 Global(s) in Contracts and Grants called total 0 routine(s) in Commitment Register
Total 0 Global(s) in Contracts and Grants called total 0 Global(s) in Commitment Register
Total 0 Package Component(s) in Contracts and Grants called total 0 routine(s) in Commitment Register
Total 1 routine(s) in Contracts and Grants accessed total 2 global(s) in Commitment Register
Total 1 fileman file(s) in Contracts and Grants pointed to total 1 fileman file(s) in Commitment Register
Total 0 routine(s) in Contracts and Grants accessed via fileman db call to total 0 fileman file(s) in Commitment Register

Commitment Register-->Contracts and Grants :

Total 3 routine(s) in Commitment Register called total 8 routine(s) in Contracts and Grants
Total 0 Global(s) in Commitment Register called total 0 routine(s) in Contracts and Grants
Total 0 Global(s) in Commitment Register called total 0 Global(s) in Contracts and Grants
Total 0 Package Component(s) in Commitment Register called total 0 routine(s) in Contracts and Grants
Total 4 routine(s) in Commitment Register accessed total 3 global(s) in Contracts and Grants
Total 2 fileman file(s) in Commitment Register pointed to total 2 fileman file(s) in Contracts and Grants
Total 3 routine(s) in Commitment Register accessed via fileman db call to total 1 fileman file(s) in Contracts and Grants

Contracts and Grants-->Commitment Register |  Commitment Register-->Contracts and Grants |  All