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Package: HINQ

Package: HINQ


Namespace: DVB 


VA documentation in the VistA Documentation Library

Dependent Graph

Package Dependent List, Total: 11

Format:   package[# of caller routines(R) -> # of called routines(R): # of global-accessing routines(R) -> # of called globals(G): # of caller fileman files(F) -> # of called fileman files(F): # of caller routines(R) -> # of fileman files accessed via db call(F): # of package components accessing routines(PC) -> # of called routines(R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called routines (R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called globals (G):

Registration [4(R)->(R)3:10(R)->(G)2:1(F)->(F)1:1(R)->(F)1]   Scheduling [8(R)->(G)1:2(R)->(F)1]   Outpatient Pharmacy [7(R)->(G)1]   Integrated Billing [1(R)->(R)1:5(R)->(G)1]   Order Entry Results Reporting [3(R)->(G)1]   Health Summary [1(R)->(R)1:1(R)->(G)1]   
Beneficiary Travel [1(R)->(G)1]   Lab Service [1(R)->(G)1]   IHS Changes To Pharmacy [1(R)->(G)1]   Text Integration Utility [1(R)->(G)3]   Automated Information Collection System [1(R)->(G)1]   

ICR Entries, Total: 11

ICR Entry: 142
  • TYPE: File
  • Global Ref Called: DIC(31,
  • Status: Active
  • Usage: Controlled Subscription
ICR Entry: 379
  • TYPE: Routine
  • Routine Called: DVBHQZ4
  • Status: Active
  • Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 412
  • TYPE: File
  • Global Ref Called: DIC(31,
  • Status: Active
  • Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 603
  • TYPE: File
  • Global Ref Called: DIC(31,
  • Status: Active
  • Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 658
  • TYPE: File
  • Global Ref Called: DIC(31,
  • Status: Active
  • Usage: Controlled Subscription
ICR Entry: 733
  • TYPE: File
  • Global Ref Called: DIC(31,
  • Status: Active
  • Usage: Controlled Subscription
ICR Entry: 792
  • TYPE: File
  • Global Ref Called: DIC(31,
  • Status: Active
  • Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 1933
  • TYPE: Other
  • Status: Pending
  • Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 2967
  • TYPE: File
  • Global Ref Called: DIC(31,
  • Status: Active
  • Usage: Controlled Subscription
ICR Entry: 3274
  • TYPE: Routine
  • Routine Called: DVBLEHNQ
  • Status: Retired
  • Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 5363

FileMan Files, Total: 1


Non-FileMan Globals, Total: 4

^DVB(395.1    ^DVB(396.3    ^DVB(396.4    ^DVB(396.6    

Routines, Total: 5

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