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Package: IHS Changes To Pharmacy

Package: IHS Changes To Pharmacy


Namespace: APS 


VA documentation in the VistA Documentation Library

Dependency Graph

Package Dependency List, Total: 42

Format:   package[# of caller routines(R) -> # of called routines(R): # of global-accessing routines(R) -> # of called globals(G): # of caller fileman files(F) -> # of called fileman files(F): # of caller routines(R) -> # of fileman files accessed via db call(F): # of package components accessing routines(PC) -> # of called routines(R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called routines (R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called globals (G):

VA Fileman [234(R)->(R)38:84(R)->(G)28:1(R)->(F)1:1(G)->(R)3:1(G)->(G)2]   Kernel [124(R)->(R)16:90(R)->(G)30:8(F)->(F)4:53(R)->(F)13]   Outpatient Pharmacy [40(R)->(R)72:96(R)->(G)21:6(F)->(F)3:49(R)->(F)10]   Pharmacy Data Management [5(R)->(R)2:102(R)->(G)8:7(F)->(F)2:51(R)->(F)7:1(G)->(G)1]   Uncategorized [1(R)->(R)1:78(R)->(G)33]   Toolkit [25(R)->(R)2:26(R)->(G)11:19(R)->(F)1]   
Registration [20(R)->(R)9:29(R)->(G)2:2(F)->(F)1:19(R)->(F)2:1(G)->(G)1]   IHS Patient [18(R)->(R)2:28(R)->(G)19:3(F)->(F)1:10(R)->(F)8]   Order Entry Results Reporting [11(R)->(R)12:17(R)->(G)7:3(F)->(F)4:10(R)->(F)4]   National Drug File [2(R)->(R)1:16(R)->(G)12:2(F)->(F)3:13(R)->(F)5]   MailMan [21(R)->(R)3:7(R)->(G)1:3(R)->(F)2]   IHS VA Utilities [28(R)->(R)9]   
Controlled Substances [21(R)->(G)14]   Scheduling [1(R)->(R)1:3(R)->(G)1:4(F)->(F)2:7(R)->(F)3]   Health Level Seven [9(R)->(R)9:3(R)->(G)4:1(R)->(F)1]   Adverse Reaction Tracking [6(R)->(R)2:3(R)->(G)4:1(R)->(F)1]   Utility Tables [3(R)->(G)3:3(F)->(F)1:4(R)->(F)1]   CIA Utilities [10(R)->(R)4]   
Patient Care Component [7(R)->(R)4:2(R)->(G)1]   Utilities [9(R)->(G)4]   Pharmacy Point of Sale [3(R)->(R)2:2(R)->(G)2:3(R)->(F)4]   IHS Electronic Health Record [7(R)->(R)2]   VueCentric Framework [7(R)->(R)3]   DRG Grouper [4(R)->(R)3:1(R)->(F)1]   
IHS Standard Terminology [4(R)->(R)1]   Patient Care Component Reports [3(R)->(R)1]   MSC RPC Broker [2(R)->(R)2]   VueCentric Components [2(R)->(R)1]   IHS Changes To ADT [2(R)->(R)1]   IHS Omnicell Pyxis Interface [1(R)->(R)1]   
Integrated Billing [1(R)->(R)1]   Lab Service [1(R)->(G)2]   CMOP [1(R)->(R)1]   HINQ [1(R)->(G)1]   Inpatient Medications [1(R)->(G)1]   RxNorm for VISTA [1(R)->(G)1]   
M XML Parser [1(R)->(R)1]   IHS Changes To Scheduling [1(R)->(R)1]   Local Area Programs [1(R)->(G)1]   PCE Patient Care Encounter [1(R)->(R)1]   Drug Accountability [1(R)->(G)1]   GUI Objects [1(R)->(R)1]   

Dependent Graph

Package Dependent List, Total: 15

Format:   package[# of caller routines(R) -> # of called routines(R): # of global-accessing routines(R) -> # of called globals(G): # of caller fileman files(F) -> # of called fileman files(F): # of caller routines(R) -> # of fileman files accessed via db call(F): # of package components accessing routines(PC) -> # of called routines(R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called routines (R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called globals (G):

Outpatient Pharmacy [68(R)->(R)26:3(R)->(G)3:1(F)->(F)1:12(R)->(F)2:2(G)->(R)2]   Inpatient Medications [18(R)->(R)3:1(R)->(G)1:1(R)->(F)1]   Order Entry Results Reporting [8(R)->(R)5:2(R)->(F)2]   Pharmacy Data Management [4(R)->(R)3:2(R)->(G)2:2(F)->(F)2:2(R)->(F)2:1(G)->(R)4]   IHS Electronic Health Record [5(R)->(R)5:1(R)->(G)1:2(R)->(F)2]   Scriptpro Interface [3(R)->(G)4:3(R)->(F)2]   
Pharmacy Point of Sale [1(R)->(R)1:3(R)->(G)2]   Adverse Reaction Tracking [3(R)->(R)2]   Barcode Medication Administration [3(R)->(R)1]   IHS Omnicell Pyxis Interface [1(R)->(R)1:2(R)->(G)1]   IHS Mods To Text Integration Utilities [1(R)->(R)1:1(R)->(F)2]   Local Area Programs [2(R)->(G)4]   
Pharmacy Barcode Scan [1(R)->(F)1]   IHS View Patient Record [1(R)->(R)3]   CMOP [1(R)->(R)1]   
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