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Package: Utilities

Package: Utilities


Namespace: AU 


VA documentation in the VistA Documentation Library

Dependency Graph

Package Dependency List, Total: 14

Format:   package[# of caller routines(R) -> # of called routines(R): # of global-accessing routines(R) -> # of called globals(G): # of caller fileman files(F) -> # of called fileman files(F): # of caller routines(R) -> # of fileman files accessed via db call(F): # of package components accessing routines(PC) -> # of called routines(R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called routines (R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called globals (G):

VA Fileman [35(R)->(R)19:37(R)->(G)17:12(R)->(F)2]   Uncategorized [19(R)->(R)14:41(R)->(G)39]   Kernel [13(R)->(R)6:23(R)->(G)25:4(R)->(F)4]   IHS Patient [1(R)->(R)2:3(R)->(G)12:3(R)->(F)2]   Registration [4(R)->(G)2:2(R)->(F)1]   Order Entry Results Reporting [2(R)->(G)2:1(R)->(F)1]   
MailMan [1(R)->(R)1:2(R)->(G)3]   Interactive Medical [1(R)->(R)1]   Local Area Programs [1(R)->(R)2]   Patient Care Component [1(R)->(R)1]   Lab Service [1(R)->(G)1]   IHS Patient Registration [1(R)->(R)1]   
Utility Tables [1(R)->(G)1]   IHS VA Utilities [1(R)->(R)1]   

Dependent Graph

Package Dependent List, Total: 92

Format:   package[# of caller routines(R) -> # of called routines(R): # of global-accessing routines(R) -> # of called globals(G): # of caller fileman files(F) -> # of called fileman files(F): # of caller routines(R) -> # of fileman files accessed via db call(F): # of package components accessing routines(PC) -> # of called routines(R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called routines (R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called globals (G):

IHS GPRA Information System [940(R)->(G)21]   Diabetes Registry [271(R)->(G)19]   Patient Care Component Reports [142(R)->(G)20]   Table Maintenance [14(R)->(R)15:71(R)->(G)31]   Patient Care Component [83(R)->(G)28]   IHS Dental System [58(R)->(G)7]   
IHS Patient Registration [51(R)->(G)15]   Mental Health Social Services [51(R)->(G)12]   IHS Uniform Data System [42(R)->(G)6]   Commitment Register [41(R)->(G)12]   Contract Health Management Information System [37(R)->(G)24]   iCare [27(R)->(G)15]   
Local Area Programs [12(R)->(R)2:13(R)->(G)5]   Third Party Billing [25(R)->(G)16]   GUI Objects [23(R)->(G)18]   Alcohol Chemical Dependency [20(R)->(G)5]   IHS Support HL7 Interfaces [19(R)->(G)13]   PCC New Encounter Form [16(R)->(G)8]   
IHS Changes To Lab [15(R)->(G)2]   Health Summary Components [15(R)->(G)11]   Immunization Tracking [14(R)->(G)10]   Utility Tables [1(R)->(R)1:13(R)->(G)25:2(G)->(G)12]   Third Party Tracking [1(R)->(R)1:13(R)->(G)5]   Patient Care Component Table Maintiance [12(R)->(G)2]   
Patient Registration GUI [12(R)->(G)9]   Patient Care Component Data Transmission [11(R)->(G)7]   Clinical Reminders [11(R)->(G)4]   Data Warehouse Export System [11(R)->(G)3]   IHS RPMS CHR System [10(R)->(G)6]   IHS Patient [1(R)->(R)1:8(R)->(G)6]   
Pharmacy Point of Sale [9(R)->(G)2]   IHS Changes To Pharmacy [9(R)->(G)4]   PCE Patient Care Encounter [9(R)->(G)9]   Patient Chart [8(R)->(G)10]   PCC Medical Query [1(R)->(R)1:7(R)->(G)6]   IHS Immunizations Interface [8(R)->(G)9]   
IHS Electronic Health Record [7(R)->(G)3]   Referred Care Information System [7(R)->(G)5]   Patient Care Component Surveillance [7(R)->(G)1]   IHS Standard Terminology [6(R)->(G)3]   IHS VA Utilities [6(R)->(G)2]   Clinical Scheduling for Windows [6(R)->(G)7]   
IHS HIV Management System [6(R)->(G)7]   Aberdeen GPRA Report [6(R)->(G)4]   IHS Changes To ADT [6(R)->(G)4]   M Transfer [5(R)->(G)4]   IHS Mods To Text Integration Utilities [5(R)->(G)4]   IHS VA %Utilities [4(R)->(G)2]   
Registration [4(R)->(G)1]   IHS Accounts Receivable [4(R)->(G)3]   Headquarters Dental [3(R)->(R)2]   Site Management [3(R)->(R)2]   IHS Emergency Dept Dashboard [3(R)->(G)2]   Contracts and Grants [3(R)->(G)5]   
CPT Files [3(R)->(G)1]   ICD 9 Updates [1(R)->(R)1:2(R)->(G)2]   Women's Health [3(R)->(G)2]   IBM DDPS Record Consolidation [3(R)->(G)3]   Order Entry Results Reporting [3(R)->(G)7]   GUI Generic Tools [2(R)->(G)1]   
Taxonomy [2(R)->(G)8]   Phoenix Devel Center [2(R)->(G)2]   IHS Code Set Versioning [2(R)->(G)1]   NCR Financial System [2(R)->(G)1]   Computerized Public Health Activity Data [2(R)->(G)2]   Electronic Dental Record [2(R)->(G)2]   
Problem List [2(R)->(G)3]   Health Summary [2(R)->(G)2]   Emergency Room [2(R)->(G)2]   Lab Service [1(R)->(R)1:1(R)->(G)1]   Phoenix [2(R)->(G)1]   IHS ICD CPT Lookup and Grouper [1(R)->(R)1:1(R)->(G)2]   
IHS Mods To Radiology Nuclear Medicine [1(R)->(G)1]   NCI Study Extract [1(R)->(G)1]   IHS Kernel Menu Options [1(R)->(R)1]   Comprehensive Diabetes Management [1(R)->(G)1]   Case Management System [1(R)->(G)1]   IHS Omnicell Pyxis Interface [1(R)->(G)1]   
VueCentric Framework [1(R)->(G)1]   IHS V Files 200 Conversion [1(R)->(G)1]   IHS Lab LOINC Surveillance [1(R)->(G)1]   Kernel [1(R)->(G)1]   Dietetics [1(R)->(G)1]   IHS National Package Tracking [1(R)->(G)1]   
Quality Assurance [1(R)->(G)1]   IHS Mods To Patient Care Encounter [1(R)->(G)1]   IHS VA Support Files [1(R)->(G)1]   Supply [1(R)->(R)1]   IHS Pharmacy Auto Refill System [1(R)->(G)1]   Tracking Procedure Workflow [1(R)->(G)1]   
IHS Release Of Information [1(R)->(G)1]   Asthma Tracking System [1(R)->(G)2]   
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