;EP - deal with impossible errors - called from many places
; UETYPE = kinds of problems which may have occured
; ["FM" a Fileman call has returned an error
; ["L" a LOCK with ample time has failed
; ["DB" a database error (some missing/incorrect field)
; ["P" a programming error / some unexpected condition
; ["DEV" some kind of device or file error
; UEOPT = options available; first one listed is the default
; Defaults to "TRI"
; ["R" retry - retry the operation; log err
; ["I" ignore - continue as though operation had succeeded; log err
; ["T" abort - log err and terminate
; UEMSG = optionally, an additional message to output
; can be .MSG, and we'll walk the array for you.
; UEMSG2 = even more message, like UEMSG. In a Fileman call failure,
; you'd probably send .FDA,.MSG
; UELOC = location, any number or name unique to the calling routine
; UEROU = the name of the calling routine
; UENOLOG = true if you do not want error log entry to be made