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Info Source Call Graph Entry Points External References Interaction Calls FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call Global Variables Directly Accessed Label References Local Variables
Prompt: !,"""POPULATION"" represents those patients who.....",!!?5,"1) are on file in the local computer,",!?5,"2) are registered at the above facility,"
Line Location: PRINT+9
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !?5,"3) have valid data in the tribal quantum field,",!?5,"4) are not designated as inactive patients,",!?5,"5) are members of the ",AGTRIBE," tribe."
Prompt: !?5,$J($P("FULL^LESS THAN FULL^LESS THAN 1/2^LESS THAN 1/4^NONE^UNKNOWN^UNSPECIFIED",U,I),15),":",?25,$J(AG(I)/AGTOT*100,6,1),"%"
Line Location: PRINT+12
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!!!!,"Total LESS-THAN-1/4 WITH MEDICAID:",?25,$J(AG(9)/AGTOT*100,6,1),"%",?50,"(Number of patients: ",AG(9),")"
Line Location: MCD+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!," Based on a population of ",AGTOT," and representing those patients having.....",!," 1) ""less than 1/4"" or ""none"" for Tribal quantum, and",!," 2) membership in the ",AGTRIBE," tribe."