; External call for tasked HS print
; Input: GMTSTYP=Record # of HS type in file 142
; DFN=Record # of patient in file 2
; GMTSPX1=Optional internal FM ending date
; GMTSPX2=Optional internal FM beginning date
; NOTE: Optional date range variables are both
; required if a date range is desired.
; To call from TaskMan:
; S ZTSAVE("DFN")=""
; External call to print a Health Summary
; Input: GMTSTYP=Record # of HS type in file 142
; DFN=Record # of patient in file 2
; GMTSPX1=Optional internal FM ending date
; GMTSPX2=Optional internal FM beginning date
; NOTE: Optional date range variables are both
; required if a date range is desired.