;a boolean divisional call for active ward location
; SRW - IEN in File 42
; SRINST - user division
; DGPMOS - date to check for active ward
; returns 0 - non-divisional match; 1 - divisional match
;extrinsic call used by the management reports to determine division
; Returns:
; inst#^inst name - for one division
; "ALL DIVISIONS" - all divisions
; "^" - no division
;a boolean divisional call for managerial reports
;define nonor divisional locations (File #130,119 input transform)
; CASE - File 130 ien
; NONOR - File 44 ien
; returns 0 - non-divisional match; 1 - divisonal match
;define the division of this case
; CASE - File 130 ien
; returns 0 - non-divisional match; 1 - divisonal match