; double queuing - queue up the second routine to device, but do not
; schedule the task in Taskman
; queue up the first job to ZTIO="" and schedule it
; %RTN - required - [tag]^routine for the 1st job to be run (usually a
; search and build sorted data type process)
; %DESC - optional - ZTDESC value for 1st job (default [tag]~routine)
; %VAR1 - optional - ZTSAVE values for 1st job - see %VAR descript above
; single que ask for device
; ZTRTN - required - [tag]^routine that taskman will run
; ZTDESC - optional - default to name of [tag]~routine
; %VAR - optional - single value or passed by reference
; this will be used to S ZTSAVE()
; can be a string of variable names separated by ';'
; each ;-piece will be used as a subscript in ztsave
; %VOTH - optional - passed by reference
; %voth(sub)="" or explicit value
; sub - this is any other %ZTLOAD variable besides
; example: %VOTH("ZTDTH")=$H
; %ZIS - optional - default value "MQ" - passed by reference
; standard %ZIS variable array for calling device handler
; IOP - optional - IOP variable as defined in Kernel device handler
; %WR - optional - if %WR>0 then write text to the screen as to
; whether or not the queueing was successful